Title: And The Shadows Flee Away
Author: Mhari
Fandom: Arthurian
Characters/Pairing: Mordred/Gwenhwyfach
Rating: PG-13
Words: 100
Disclaimer: The words are mine, the characters are everyone's.
Summary: I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine.
Not technically an original character. :) Drabble for
get_laid25, x-posted to
Gwenhwyfach knows what they say of her husband. Bitter, sullen, proud, vicious in anger; he can be all of that, even to her.
But in their bed, safe from righteous eyes, he's still her dark-eyed lover with a smile as sweet as a boy's, his laughter easy. Beside her, inside her, he forgets his father, as she forgets her sister; he shivers in her hands, as she trembles under his. Pleads with her: "Gwen, lady, love--" and kisses his way down her body. "Let me," purely, she thinks, for the pleasure of hearing her consent.
They're fools to pity her.