Title: Lightning Crashes
Author: sabor ice
Fandoms: King Arthur/Heroes
Rating: T+
Genre: AU/General/Action-Adventure/Drama/Fantasy
Main Characters: Hiro Nakamura, Ando Masahashi, Sylar/Gabriel, The Knights
Summary: A King Arthur and Heroes Cross-over. Takes place around the beginning of the 2004 movie, King Arthur, and pre-episode, "How To Stop An Exploding Man". After a failed attempt escaping from Sylar using his still unsteady ability of bending time and space, Hiro Nakamura and his friend, Ando Masahashi, find themselves hurled back into Dark Age Britain. Unable to control his power properly enough to travel back to the present day, Hiro comes to learn that a new but similar mission to that of his future mission awaits him in Britain, and for he and Ando, the adventure of a lifetime is about to begin.
Spoilers: Any spoilers in this fic would probably come from the Heroes aspect of it (if you haven't seen up to episode, "How To Stop An Exploding Man"). So, read with caution if that concerns you.
Disclaimer: I own nothing of KA or Heroes. This story, however, is my own.
Author's Notes: Don't steal my ideas or story and claim it as your own - that's just not cool, and if you do it, I will find out about it. Yes, dialogue and actions in the bit from an episode of Heroes is not exactly the same - it's AU and originality I'm after. Feedback is appreciated.
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