Mar 27, 2007 20:11
because its mindless...
1. Name a movie that you have seen more than 10 times.
When Harry Met Sally, Love and Death.
2. Name a movie that you've seen multiple times in the theater.
none, i'm too cheap to pay 10 bucks twice!
3. Name an actor that would make you more inclined to see a movie.
Gael Garcia Bernal, maybe Kate Winslet
4. Name an actor that would make you less likely to see a movie.
Will Farrell (unless that movie is Talladega Nights), Cameron Diaz
5. Name a movie that you can and do quote from.
See number 1, please.
6. Name a movie musical that you know all of the lyrics to all of the songs.
I abhore musicals-- that said, Sound of Music, I think I know all the lyrics to all the songs. Possibly Grease as well.
7. Name a movie that you have been known to sing along with.
If I did, perhaps the Wedding Singer.
8. Name a movie that you would recommend everyone see.
hmmm, can't think of any
9. Name a movie that you own.
Breakfast at Tiffany's
10. Name an actor that launched his/her entertainment career in another medium but who has surprised you with his/her acting chops.
Uh... has Ice T been any movies? He's damned good in Law and Order SVU
11. Have you ever seen a movie in a drive-in? If so, what?
Nope, would like to, though.
12. No number twelve!
13. Name a movie that you keep meaning to see but just haven't yet gotten around to it.
The penguiny movies, Stranger than Fiction, also an exception to number 4
14. Ever walked out of a movie?
I would have walked out of Titanic, except I was subjected to it on a bus ride home from a soccer game.
15. Name a movie that made you cry in the theater.
Far too many to name. I last cried at the end of Pan's Labryth.
16. Popcorn?
Yes please, butter, no salt.
17. How often do you go to the movies (as opposed to renting them or watching them at home)?
Once a month or so if something decent is out.
18. What's the last movie you saw in the theater?
Pan's Labrinth? Maybe if i spell it two different ways, one will be once.
19. What's your favorite/preferred genre of movie?
Indie, foriegn, romantic comedy
20. What's the first movie you remember seeing in the theater?
Something with muppets and Bambi.
21. What movie do you wish you had never seen?
22. What is the weirdest movie you enjoyed?
Science of Sleep? Is that sorta weird?
23. What is the scariest movie you've seen?
Pee Wee's Playhouse scared the crap out of me as a small child... I don't like scary movies, so I don't go see them.
24. What is the funniest movie you've seen?
Science of Sleep, Monsters Inc is a good one, Talladega Nights, Borat... those rank.
25. What movies do you have from Netflix/the video store at your house right now?
I have mostly TV shows-- Firefly, disk 4; Ballykissangel, disk 2, and The World According to Garp... all of which I've had for weeks. I'm Netflix's star customer/bitch this month.
26. What movie(s), that you don't own, do you often get a huge fucking craving to watch?
When Harry Met Sally. Every single New Years Eve. Ditto!