I suppose that's kind of self-explanatory... my computer has been dying for ages, why should now be any different?
Despite my computeral difficulties, I had fun today. I had my Birthday/Graduation/Thank-Goodness-We-Made-It-Through-Freshman-Year-Alive Party yesterday and today (it was a sleepover) and it was very fun. All my guests managed to... feel some sort of strong emotion, although the way they got there will go with me to my grave. But beyond that, it was still fun and I took pictures and everything, although most of them were this morning, because I don't really like taking pictures during events... I feel it sometimes takes away from the moment... but I still managed to take a disposable camera full of them. They will be going on the internet sometime within the week.
And camp starts tomorrow! I'm so excited! I bought a million snacks for the bus and all because if I've learned nothing else during my previous 3 years at Usdan, it's that you always want snacks. I went to Duene Reade though, and for some reason they couldn't take Mom's $5 rewards thing with my club card, so I ended up spending an extra $5. Fun. But snacks are worth it anyway, so I'll live...