Mmkay, first things first.
YOU GUYS ARE SO VERY, VERY AWESOME. I love you all- you helped me out so much yesterday when I was feeling badly... I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
Also... I just had one of the most awesome trips to Barnes & Nobles EVER today. I was there, and I saw (and bought) the Twilight movie (I know, I feel like such a failed Twihard for not having gotten it before...), the second book in the Beka Cooper series by Tamora Pierce, Bloodhound, and the Star Trek prequel to the movie!! I was actually so happy when I really looked in the last one- I knew it existed, and I'd seen it before, but I wasn't sure whether or not I actually wanted to spend the money for it... and then I looked inside, and saw that it involved something truly awesome with my favorite Star Trek character ever. And that's all I'll say on it- I don't want to spoil you guys~~ Also, because I haven't read it yet... ^_^;;
Oh, and as soon as I finish with this, I'm putting up a new Secret Life of Dolls. So... uh... sorry to spam you guys, but... yay it's back?
OH GOD HOUSE WHY??? WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS TO ME?? This is exactly the same thing Avatar did in The Beach, when they had Maiko break up, and I was so excited, AND THEN THEY BROUGHT THEM BACK TOGETHER. JUST LIKE YOU JUST DID WITH CHAMERON. I MEAN, WHAT THE HELL???
Don't get me wrong, they are cute, and I do love them both and don't want them to be upset, but... YOU CAN'T HAVE THEM BREAK UP, GET ME ALL EXCITED AND THEN HAVE THEM GET ENGAGED. THAT'S KIND OF DEFEATING THE PURPOSE. Really Fox, concerning the Chase fangirls, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.
But HOLY CRAP HOUSE IS GOING BATSHIT. And... I'm seriously happy Amber's back, but... shit.