Apr 13, 2009 19:17
Is it sad that I just realized that I measure basically everything that's going to happen in May by the Star Trek release? Like, there isn't going to be a new SNL until the day after Star Trek. I'm taking the SATs 6 days before Star Trek. I don't remember exactly what days they are, but I'm taking one AP exam in the week before Star Trek opens, and one in the week after.
So... sorry I haven't posted recently. I've just been... feeling shitty. About a whole lot of stuff. Basically, I've been feeling like a total bitch... even disliking myself a little. And I pride myself on being someone who's confident, who loves herself. Not in a concieted, narcissistic way (most of the time) but... someone who's self-assured. So disliking myself at all... I really hate feeling like that.
And Pokemon needs to stop being so addicting. For those of you who've been here a long time, you know that I've started playing Pokemon: Diamond several times (heck yeah, totally behind the times!!!) but for several reasons, I've just never beaten it... well, now that I have time, I'm trying again... and I just can't stop. Damn game has to stop being so addicting. Seriously.
Oh, and Axis Powers Hetalia is just made of win. And now Wesley, Jenny and I (my friends who always cosplay with me for... really, everything) are planning a Hetalia cosplay- Jenny as Hungary (because she's the only girl in the anime so far), Wesley as America and me as Italy. Just... because. We can. I actually would have done Japan, but... can't really pull him off. Besides, it will be so much fun to just be able to go around shouting "PASTAAAAAAAA!!!" XD
And... I need to stop RPing so much. When I start to lose myself because I'm too much my muses... I need to chill for a while. It's nice being me again.
Lastly... there will be a new Secret Life of Dolls... hopefully even tonight!! Sorry it's taken so long, but... life. It kinda got in the way.
roleplay awesomeness,
saturday night live,
axis powers hetalia,
star trek