Oct 09, 2007 14:52
. . that amiable character from Charles Dickens' 'David Copperfield'. I was reminded of the said character by Douglas Hofstadter acknowledging an email from Kenneth Williford and Uriah Kriegel requesting a chapter contribution for a book they were editing as the seed that grew into his new book.
Especially I am reminded of the plaintive refrain from Mrs. Heep, the said Uriah's mother, going "Oh, Uri, Uri, Uri, we are 'umble people."
For some weird reason my cauliflower also tingled with a the memory of another phrase - but a couple of phone calls snuffed that memory out and I do not recall presently. If it comes to mind again, I will the edit this entry.
In the meantime, I have the acquired the above named Hofstadter's new book "I am a strange loop". Douglas Hofstadter, to relate for the benefit of ignorant ones amongst you, is a cognitive scientist and author of the runaway success book titled "Godel, Escher, Bach", followed through by the scintilating volume called 'Metamagical Themas'.
"I am a strange loop" is Hofstadter's newest offering. The preface and prologue of this new book are absolutely delightful!! And I hope to be able to review it later.
Till such time, good bye . . .