Oct 08, 2007 12:31
So anyway, the weekend workshop went off well. I should be able to send the draft report to the department's manager for his review and comments today - or latest by tomorrow. So that's that.
Anyway, this entry is about some new bookage which has been the acquired. The memoirs of none other than the legendary Alan Greenspan titled "The Age of Turbulence" and published by Penguin. (It is rumoured that Penguin paid USD 8 million in avance for the book!!!) I haven't finished reading the book yet - just gone through the first two chapters, but it already promises to be a splendid read. Obviously, the help that Greenspan has had from his co-author has done a lot to make the book more readable. But even without that, the experiences and insight of the man who steered the American economy for 20 years would have been an invaluable read. The co-authoring seems to have made it easier.
The title is quite befitting, given that Greenspan, after reviewing his 'FED' years in the first half of the book, tries to peek into the future by making predictions about the way he expects the global economy to shape up and the changes and key variables likely to impact the outcome. Given Greenspan's credentials, this is certain to be far more than futuristic literature. Even more instructive than his predictions though would be his reasoning - the assumptions, data and probabilities basis which he arrives at the predictions. And this I am looking forward to peruse over the next few days.