~seeing my name in black and white, feels like I'm doing something right~

Sep 27, 2011 16:23

If you have that song stuck in your head now because of me, I sincerely apologize, but I couldn't think of anything more appropriate to my situation right now.  Feel free to curse me mentally as you bounce around your bedroom to Legally Blonde: The Musical.

What happened: I just had a meeting with the wonderful woman who teaches my university writing seminar.  (The freshmen here at Brandeis have to either take a compisition course if they can't handle writing at all, or a UWS, which focuses on a specific subject that you can choose.  Mine is on American musical theater.)  It was a required meeting, so she could talk to everybody individually about the rough drafts of the essays we wrote on West Side Story.

When I walked in, the first thing she said to me was, "Please tell me you're going to be an English major."


She then proceeded to tell me that my essay was fabulous, but it kind of skirted around the actual prompt, and if I wanted the second person who grades our essays to pass me then I had to add in a paragraph of lyrics analysation.  Which, you know, I can do, even if I'll have to bullshit something in order to make the lyrics of "Cool" significant to my point.  That's okay because she actually told me to just bullshit something.  I swear to god, this is like having Ms Bakis as a teacher all over again, except more Australian.  I love it.

It was just so encouraging to sit down for twenty minutes with the first person at this school who has read my writing, and be told I'm in the right place and doing the right thing.  Half the time I feel like I'm sitting in classes waiting for someone to realize that I'm not even sure how I successfully got myself into this school, and I should probably just go home.  I mean, that's totally irrational, but that's where my brain goes.

Now, though - now I can remember today.  Because having somebody I respect tell me that I should be doing what I want to be doing with my life is so much bigger than having a high school teacher tell me I'm one of the best writers in the class.  It's kind of mind boggling, actually.  I don't quite know what to do myself.

I guess I'll go bullshit something about those lyrics, then.  

interesting real life, unbelievable awesome, college

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