It's like this fandom was designed specifically for this holiday or something.

Feb 15, 2011 00:09

Ah, Valentine's Day.  A time when love is in the air, budding romances bloom, and rainbows explode all over the Palmwoods.

Or at least, that's been my experience.

I'm writing this kind of off-the-cuff, because this morning the lovely lyricalecho gave me some Big Time Rush Valentines, and they were adorable and hilarious, and I realized that I had planned nothing for today.'s something.  Hopefully it will make you laugh, or facepalm, or both.  This one's for you, Echo.  <3

Title: Big Time Valentines
Pairings: Kendall/Logan, hints of Jo/Camille and James/Carlos
Rating: K+/T
Summary: Kendall and Jo have plans.  Camille has plans of her own.  Logan swears that he did not plan any of this.  James and Carlos...aren't really that good at planning.  Some plans are meant to be seen through, while others may never have been meant to succeed in the first place.

It's seven o'clock on Valentine's Day, and when Kendall wakes up he immediately knows what day it is.  Even though it's a weekend, he jumps out of bed and spends extra time making sure he looks nice.

"Hey Logan, can I borrow this shirt?" he asks over his shoulder, holding a slightly-nicer-than-usual plaid button-up against his chest.

Logan groans, muffled by the pillow, and waves what might be an attempt at flipping him off over the edge of the bed.

Kendall shrugs it on and purses his lips at the fit.  "Hey Logan, is this my shirt?"

This time, he is not deemed worthy of response.

He smiles to himself and puts it on over his white v-neck.  "I'll see you later, okay?  I have to go pick up Jo's roses."

As he walks out the door, Logan grumbles something that might have been "thank god" if it wasn't so slurred.

He takes the stairs down, two at a time because he's feeling inexplicably energized.  When he makes it down to the lobby, he shoves his hands in his pockets and whistles, feeling pretty good about himself.  He really is the perfect boyfriend, isn't he?  Jo is going to remember this Valentine's Day for a long -

"Kendall!"  Camille jumps out from behind a couch, and Kendall jumps at least a foot in the air.  "I have an important mission for you, should you choose to accept."

"H-hey, Camille," he says, trying and failing to look smooth.  "What's with the Bond suit?"

"I'm Agent Double-Oh Romance," she says, hands on her hips.  "Never mind, you wouldn't get it.  Do you have anything planned for you and Jo today?"

He smiles and lifts his chin.  "Actually, yes.  We're going to -"

"Did the boys help you plan it?" she interrupts flatly.  Kendall visibly deflates, and she smirks.  "Here, I have a better plan."  She starts pulling objects out of nowhere.  "Give these to her instead of roses - gerber daisies, they're her favorite."  Kendall fumbles them briefly when they're shoved into his arms.  "And I went ahead and picked out this's simple, not too expensive, and it'll go with her dress.  She'll love it.  Oh, and these -" she produces two tickets from her pocket - "are for Wicked in the theater district tonight."


"The musical.  The soundtrack she's been listening to for months?"  She rolls her eyes.

There are musicals other than Rent?  But he knows better than to say that out loud.  "Thanks, Camille.  Is that it?"

"Yup!  Oh, and there are reservations under your name for 6:00 at Chez Paolo's."

"Wow, you thought of everything."  He shifts everything to one arm and extends his hand.  "Good work, Agent Double-Oh Romance."

She shakes it with a smug little smile.  "Just doing my job, ma'am."  Before he can question her choice of words, she's already disappeared again.


It's eight o'clock on Valentine's Day - probably too early to surprise Jo with the flowers - so he heads back up to the apartment to kill time.

When he walks in, Carlos, James, and Katie are sitting on the couch with bowls of cereal, watching cartoons.  "No, Blossom, it's a trap!" Carlos yells at the screen, almost spilling milk all over his lap.

Mrs. Knight crosses from the kitchen and deftly intercepts Carlos's bowl.  "You're up early, Kendall.  Those are lovely.  Are they for Jo?"

"Yes!  I'm surprising her later."

James twists around on the couch.  "What happened to the five dozen red roses?"

Kendall shrugs.  "I thought that was a great idea, but Camille said these were Jo's favorites.  She's her best friend, so I guess she'd know."  He turns and retreats to his room to put the stuff down.

Logan is still in bed, but he's starting to wake up.  He rolls over and smiles.  "Hey, I didn't see you leave.  You got the flowers?"

Suppressing a laugh, Kendall goes to sit on Logan's bed, putting the date supplies on the bedside table.  He ruffles his hair, which is mussed up and sticking out at odd angles.  "Yes, Logie.  Camille kind of...ambushed me, actually.  Gave me the flowers and tickets and stuff."

"That's probably for the best."  Logan yawns and scooches up a little.  "I honestly can't see her going gaga over five dozen roses.  It seems like a bit much for Jo."

"But I mean, she likes grand gestures, right?"  He holds his arms in front of him, trying to defend himself, but quickly deflates.  "I don't know.  You're probably right.  Maybe I'm not so good at this stuff."

"Nah, you're great, big guy."  Logan pats him on the shoulder as he goes to stand up.  "You just need to stop taking James's advice."  He gets two steps to his closet, turns around, and squints at Kendall.  "Is that my shirt?"

"I don't know!  I thought it was, but then I thought it might be mine..."  He can't help but laugh.

Logan grins and shakes his head.  "That'd explain why it was always so baggy on me."  He changes direction to Kendall's closet, and pulls out the grey shirt he's always stealing.  "Well, might as well compound the confusion."

Kendall falls back on Logan's bed and laughs.


It's ten o'clock on Valentine's Day, and Katie went to get dressed and plot world domination or whatever after Powerpuff Girls was over, and Mrs. Knight went to monopolize the bathroom while James was distracted from his bed-head, so James and Carlos are alone on the couch.  Pretty quickly, Carlos leaned over to put his head on James's shoulder - he's clingy, but James thinks it's ridiculously cute, so he put his arm around Carlos's shoulders as Johnny Bravo's opening theme played.

"Hey James," Carlos says after a while.  "Do you have a date for tonight?"

He laughs.  "Actually, I hadn't thought about it.  I figured I'd find one at the pool or something."

Carlos twists at the hem of his shirt.  "Well, I don't have a date either.  And I mean, I could go try to find one too, but that usually...doesn't work.  And I kind of wanted to go play laser tag instead."  He looks up at James.

James thinks about going out with a pretty girl, and his reputation as someone who goes out with pretty girls, and seeing some sappy movie and probably eating weird French food.  And then he thinks about Carlos, and laser tag, and the corn dog that would probably be in his future.  "That sounds awesome," he says finally, and when Carlos smiles up at him he looks so grateful and just plain happy that he knows he made the right choice.


It's noon on Valentine's Day, and Kendall is standing outside Jo's door with the bouquet behind his back, waiting for her to answer the door.

"Aw, are those for me?"  Kendall startles and turns around to see Jo stepping off the elevator.

"Indeed they are," he says, covering his initial surprise with a gallant half-bow as he offers her the pink flowers.  "Pretty flowers for a pretty girl."

"Aw," she says, flattered and almost mocking.  "Camille told you I loved Gerber daisies, didn't she?"

"Uh, no," he stammers, "I just, I knew your favorite flower.  I'm supposed to know that, right?"

She laughs and kisses him on the cheek.  "Yes you are, but I'll let it slide this time.  I love them.  So, we're on for tonight?"

He smiles and pulls the tickets out of his back pocket.  "We're going to see Wicked!"

"Really?"  She grins for real this time.  "I have the best boyfriend."

He grins back and thanks Camille silently as they kiss.


It's two o'clock on Valentine's Day, and Logan has no plans.

And it's not like this is unusual, necessarily.  It's not like he's ever really had a date for Valentine's Day.  Back in Minnesota, the four of them never really took it too seriously - James would spend the day flirting around, maybe, but at the end they'd all wind up hanging out back at Kendall's house, and they wouldn't even think about having dates for the most romantic day of the year.  But this is LA, and they're a boy band potentially on their way to stardom, and Kendall has a girlfriend, and by all stereotypes he should be able to find a girl for Valentine's Day, of all days.

The thing is, he isn't really trying too hard.  It's not his style.  It's James who runs all over flipping his hair at every pretty girl who dares glance at his own comparable prettiness.  Logan will notice a specific girl every so often, sure, but most of the time he just doesn't think about it.  And now it's Valentine's Day, and...well, there's nobody he actually wants to ask.  He wouldn't mind doing something with Camille, even just as friends, but she probably has a date of her own.  Why wouldn't she?

He isn't looking forward to the evening.  It's going to be different without Kendall there, and he won't be able to forget that this is the one night when he shouldn't be spending time with his best friends in the world.

Not feeling in the mood for company, he finds himself sitting down with a book behind one of the tents at the pool.  He's sitting on the concrete, and there are bushes hanging in his hair, and it's not his first choice of seat but it's the only totally secluded place he can find.

"Logie?  What are you doing back here?"

He really should have known that Kendall would have been able to find him.

"Oh, just, you know.  Reading.  I like to read."  He doesn't blame Kendall for sliding onto the ground next to him, because that sentence was really uncharacteristically stupid, and he'd be worried too.

Kendall leans in slightly so their shoulders are touching.  "Why are you upset?"

Logan smiles slightly and pinches the bridge of his nose.  "It's stupid.  It's feels odd, for Valentine's Day to be such a big deal all of a sudden.  You have a date with Jo, and James probably has a date, and it's different.  It was always just the four of us."

He's asking himself why this is such a big deal, why he's freaking out so much about it, but Kendall is nodding as if he understands perfectly.  "Hey.  It's just a day, okay?  We're not changing.  That was our promise, right?"

Their eyes meet, and Logan feels so, so helpless, and Kendall's face is so close in this small space.  There isn't a noticeable shift of any sort, or a moment where either of them makes a choice, or anything like that.  One moment they're staring at each other...

And the next moment, they're kissing.

It's so simple, just a soft press of lips, but Logan's hands are shaking.  Nothing he has ever read or experienced could help him explain this feeling.  His book drops uselessly to the concrete.

"Whoa.  Okay.  Seriously."

They break apart as quickly as they came together.  Kendall wipes at his mouth and turns his head to see his girlfriend peering behind the tent.  "Ah, um..."  He struggles for words.  "J-Jo..."

Besides her raised eyebrow, she doesn't look as shocked as she really should be.  "Was this really necessary today, of all days?"  He closes her eyes.  "Never mind.  Don't answer that. you have those Wicked tickets?"

Kendall shifts to retrieve them from his back pocket and hands them up to her sheepishly.

"Okay."  She sighs.  "It's, um, pretty clear that we're through, right?"

He stares at his hands.  "We don't have to be," and Logan's stomach drops a little bit.

She looks right at Logan and shakes her head.  "No, we really have to be.  I'm sorry."  She groans.  "I don't even know why I'm apologizing.  Just, um, carry on.  I'll take Camille to see the show with me tonight."

By the time she walks away, a small crowd is starting to try and peer around the tent.  Kendall and Logan glance at each other, beet red, and scramble to their feet.

They run across the pool area and back to the apartment in record time.


It's three o'clock on Valentine's Day, and Kendall can't take the awkward silence anymore.  "Logan, look at me."

"I'm sorry," he says, almost whispering.  "I ruined your relationship.  I'm...that was stupid."

"Stop."  He walks over to sit next to him on his bed, for the second time that day.  "You didn't ruin my relationship."  He thinks for a moment.  "Well, you ended my relationship, I guess.  But I did, too.  So..."  He furrows his eyebrows.  "What I mean is, I guess, I didn't really want a relationship with Jo, because, I"

He's less than eloquent, but Logan kisses him anyways, one hand on the side of his face, eyes screwed shut like he could disappear in the next moment.  Kendall pulls him closer and kisses him back softly, feeling him relax slowly, feeling him melt into the kiss.  When they break apart they're both breathing a little heavier, and their foreheads press together, and that helpless feeling has returned full-swing to the pit of Logan's stomach.

They look at each other.  "I-Is this happening?" Logan whispers.

Kendall isn't sure himself, and part of him wants to run far, far away and take some time to process the fact that he has Logan right here, in his arms, kissing him.  But Logan looks like he'd immediately shatter if dropped, and Kendall doesn't have that time.  He forces back the brief panic and revels in the feeling that this is so completely right, and pulls Logan as close as he can.

"Yeah," he whispers.  "i think it is."


It's four o'clock on Valentine's Day, and the laser tag place is crawling with small children.  Carlos barely notices as he does a barrel roll out from behind a barrier, shooting wildly in hopes that he'll hit James.  "You'll never escape!" he yells.

"Prepare yourself for the disappointment of a lifetime!" he yells back, laughing.

Carlos isn't sure if he's ever been happier than at that particular moment.  He lets out a battle cry and goes running into the open.


It's five o'clock on Valentine's Day, and Camille almost changed out of her Bond suit.  Almost.  She had an outfit picked out and everything, but at the last second she decided that the costume made her look dashing, and she just kind of went with it.

When she enters the lobby normally, wearing a suit but acting like her normal self, she can already feel people starting to take notice.  Whatever.  Who cares if she wants to wear a suit and take her best friend out on Valentine's Day?  Who's going to stop her?

Jo is bright red as she approaches, but tries to hide it.  "Agent Double-Oh Romance," she jokes.  "What a pleasant surprise."

"Enchanté, mademoiselle," she shoots back in her best posh accent.  She grins and returns to her ordinary voice.  "You ready?"

"Let's do this."  They link arms and ignore everybody as they walk out the doors of the Palmwoods.

When they're on the street, Camille pulls the necklace out of her pocket.  "So, you probably guessed that I planned this whole date for you and Kendall.  I had to stop him - he was taking advice from the other guys."

Jo snorts.  "Yeah?"

"And, well, Kendall was going to tell you that he got this necklace for you, but I'm the one who picked it out."  She dangles it from her fingers, a simple silver chain with a heart-shaped locket.  "It'll go with that dress."

Jo fingers the pendant.  "It's...beautiful, Camille.  Wow."

As she draws Jo's hair off her neck and fastens the clasp, she can't stop herself from smiling stupidly.


It's six o'clock on Valentine's Day.

Logan and Kendall lay side by side on Logan's bed, just talking and kissing and trying to figure each other out.

Camille pulls out Jo's chair for her to sit, and the waiter stares at them but doesn't say a word.

James and Carlos collapse into seats in the food court and discuss their high scores over corn dogs.

It's all a little bit perfect.  

valentines day, big time rush, fanfic

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