I actually do not remember writing this at all.

Aug 02, 2010 13:54

So I was picking through the black hole that is the "writing" folder on my computer.  And I stumbled across this oneshot I apparently wrote.  I remember creating Kat and Remy one time - my super adorable lesbian OCs who own a bar together.  But I have no recollection of writing this scene.  Anyways, it's fluffy to the point of heart attacks and diabetes, but sometimes that's okay.  XD So I thought I'd share it!

Warning: includes instances of ladies making out, and the belief that the world would be more amusing if we turned everybody gay.  If you object to either of these, you will not like Kat and Remy.  BUT I THINK THIS WARNING DOES NOT APPLY TO...WELL, ANY OF YOU.

(Also I think I based Remy's appearance off of Olivia Wilde, because that's who I picture when I read this scene.  Which is ironic because I'm pretty sure I wasn't aware that 13's real name was Remy when I created them.  Either that, or I shamelessly stole the name.  Not really sure.)

"You're in love with him." Kat leaned on the bar, shining the heck out of one particular spot on a glass. "I can totally tell."

"W-what?" The poor guy almost spit out his beer. "Where did you...look, no. He's my friend. I'm worried about him."

She nodded. "That's half of it. The most important half, in my opinion. The second half is just getting past your mental blocks and realizing that you dig guys. Which you do."

He raised an eyebrow. "And how can you tell that?"

"Dude." She stood up and picked up the next glass. "I have the most finely tuned gaydar in the state. Hell, you know Remy over there? I knew she'd be up for it the second I met her."

He looked over to where Remy was wiping down a table. "Really? I could have sworn she was straight."

"She'd like you to think that. Yeah, but I have it on good authority that the woman is gayer than Paris in the spring." Her lips quirked in a contented half-smile as she watched Remy checking all the empty tables.

"Really. You guys hook up or something?"

Kat nodded. "Present tense, actually. She's been my girlfriend since about a month or so after I met her." She flashed a grin. "Took a little heavy flirting, but I got her to see things my way."

"Kat!" Remy glared at her from across the room. "You realize I can hear every word you're saying?"

"If you'd heard every word I was saying, honey, you would have gotten mad sooner," she called back.

Remy's glare deepened. Kat gave her a winning smile and posed subtly.

Remy rolled her eyes and turned away to hide her own smile.

The guy at the bar glanced between them. "So you really think that I'm..."

"Look." Kat laughed and leaned back down to look him in the eyes. "Don't tell me you've never looked at a man and been the least bit curious. Even just a movie star or something."

He bit his lip. "Well, um, there was that time..." He blushed and looked away.

"Ha!" She clapped once and spun around. "I knew it!"

"Hey Kat, can I get a refill over here?"

"Be right with you, Jack," she called. She reached out and ruffled her pet closet case's hair. "You think about that. And drink some of that beer, man! We're supposed to be having fun, aren't we?"

Remy came over to the bar while she was mixing Jack's drink. "You need to stop doing that."

"Oh come on, look at him. I saw him staring at at least two guys when he came in. Probably didn't even realize he was doing it, poor dear." She slid the drink across the bar to its recipient. "What good is a bartender if she doesn't dispense advice?"

"Look, you can't turn everybody gay, Kat. The world doesn't work like that."

"Maybe." She grabbed Remy by the collar of her shirt and kissed her before she even had time to protest. "But I can sure as hell try."

A few people around the bar cheered when they kissed. Kat saluted to them and went back to work. Remy stood there for a second, looking fairly murderous, then spun on her heel and headed for the kitchens.

The closet case eyed Kat when she returned. "Um, are you two going to be okay?"

Kat laughed. "Oh yeah, we act like that all the time. She's just mad because I tried to seduce her in public again."

"...Oh." He looked up at her. "Look, I don't know what to do about all this. I don't even know if I..."

"You don't have to do anything right this second." She smiled at him. "Just think about it. You'll come up with the answer when you're not busy drinking to forget how confused you are."

"Hey Kat!" Remy's voice was faint from inside the kitchen. It held none of the annoyed tone she'd been using all night. "Can you come look at this for a second?"

"Ah, the lady calls." She grabbed a beer and slid it in front of her closet case. "This one's on the house, for being so adorable." While he was staring at it, brow furrowed, she spun off and headed for the kitchen.

Remy had her hands on her hips, and she bit her lip as she stared at the microwave. "How do you get it to do popcorn?"

"Um, I think you usually just press the popcorn button, hun," she laughed.

"Yeah, but it burned the last time I did that."

Kat pursed her lips. "No, that time you thought you'd pressed popcorn, but it turned out you'd pressed defrost. Why are you suddenly so unsure of how to use a microwave?"

She smirked, and suddenly Kat was being pinned against the counter. "Because I knew you'd fall for it."

Kat laughed again, but the sound was low. "Wow, that's hot." She lifted a hand behind Remy's head and kissed her properly.

When they broke apart, they were both laughing softly as they tried to catch their breath. "We really shouldn't be doing this," Kat said. "People could be stealing from the bar as we speak."

"Yeah, we should go back," Remy agreed. She dipped her head and put her lips on Kat's neck.

"I-I'm serious." Kat tried to sound authoritative, but found it difficult when Remy was doing that to her collarbone. "Aah - this isn't -"

"Oh come on, I can't take a single break without you two coming in here and - you know what, never mind, just stop that." Kat looked over and saw Tyler with his hands on his hips, pressing his lips together so his smile wouldn't show.

Remy smiled against Kat's skin. "What, you aren't enjoying the view?"

He walked over and pulled on Remy's arm until she backed off. "Make-out time is after closing."

Kat squeezed Remy's hand. "You know, Tyler, one would almost think that you were the boss around here."

"If I was, you'd be fired. Go!"

original fic, drabble, everybody in the world is gay

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