Jun 04, 2010 20:29

I have a story for you all.  It's about gay penguins.

A week or so ago I started reading a book of essays about  fanfiction and fan culture.  It's one of the nerdiest books to ever exist and I love it to pieces.  So in the introduction, they're giving examples of how quickly fandom moves.  Paraphrased, it said something like, "Imagine a fan has a friend who had a bad day, so she writes a fanfic about gay penguin sex with her friend's favorite anthropomorphic pairing to make her feel better.  It soon catches on...there's a string of comments about how weird it is, or how awesome.  Somebody posts a poem they wrote about gay penguin sex..."

Understandably, this mental image stuck with me.

Then today, I watched The Office on our DVR, and at the end I saw a clip of the beginning of an episode of Parks and Recreation.  I won't explain it in detail, but the gag was that the Amy Pohler character accidentally set up a display of marriage and sex between two male penguins in front of a bunch of kids.

Yes.  More gay penguin sex, and this time it was not a MENTAL image.

Then I realized that this theme is going to stick with me for the REST OF MY LIFE.  I'm serious.  I'm going to start noticing references to gay penguin sex everywhere I go, and I'm going to feel like it's haunting me.  Pretty soon I'll be wikipedia-ing the possibilities of actual gay penguin sex.  When I'm elderly and look back on my life, I'll be quite disturbed as I'll suddenly realize that I spent my entire life periodically thinking about gay penguin sex.


Update: Okay, I actually wikipedia'd it, and it's actually a thing.  Some male penguins, especially in zoos, bond and make nests and if you give them an egg, they'll hatch it and raise it.  This is often because of a shortage of female penguins, but if the zoo introduces new females, it probably won't break up the males because penguins mate for life.  <3 Yay, penguins!  

gay penguins, what is this i don't even

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