Snape Kid!

May 13, 2009 19:23

One of my friends is, first and foremost in her life, a Snape fangirl.  Which I totally respect, though I'm more of a Remus/Sirius girl myself.  She just loves the quiet, deceptively non-emotive, tortured, adorable types.  We were hanging out after school today, and she points out a kid in a green shirt with druggy-style Skullcandy headphones around his neck.  She asks me if I've heard about Snape-kid, which I can vaguely remember her mentioning.  So she explains - there's this one freshman guy who she and my other friend have decided looks EXACTLY like Snape would have back in his Hogwarts-attending years.  And upon closer inspection: yep, he definitely does.  Uber-pale skin, long-ish dark wavy hair, a sort of beak-like nose that actually makes him even nicer-looking, and surprisingly, really pretty blue-green eyes.  Except for the fact that, you know, he was laughing and clearly enjoying hanging with his friends, he really was a dead ringer for our beloved Severus.

Okay, so maybe now I've joined the Stalker Brigade.  Every time I saw him in the halls this afternoon, I would glance at my Snape-loving friend, and we'd both sort of do this silent *squee* type thing.  And when the fire alarm went off (which, trust me, was so much fun after classes had ended ), everybody had to go outside, and our group sort of gravitated towards his group, kind of obtrusively giggling.  I don't think he caught on that it was over the fact that one of us was so clearly obsessed.  At one point, we even attempted a stalker-pic with her cell phone, but he was moving too quickly.

Dear gods above.  We are SUCH fangirls.  People get incarcerated for this level of obsession.  But hey, his Snape!genes were asking for it.  

stalking, snape, harry potter, fangirlishness

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