Sorting Hats and Snogging

May 04, 2009 15:09

I found this really good Sorting Hat quiz recently.  Since I've recently become addicted to fanfiction of the Marauders variety (especially Sirius/Remus ships, ahem), I've been curious about what house I'd be in.  Or, more specifically, if I'd get to hang with the Marauders and play some awesome magical pranks, which sound ten billion times better than ordinary pranks.  And maybe get to snog Sirius at least once *looks around shiftily*.

Fear no further, dear imaginary readers of my entirely poorly publicized blog.  For I have been truly, honestly, and without a doubt been sorted into GRYFFINDOR!!!!  *cheers*

And I actually trust this quiz to tell me the truth, because unlike most sorting quizzes, it asks you real questions about what you would do in real life situations.  Not what your favorite animal is, or your favorite colors, or anything that forces you to choose based on what house you think would be spiffing.  It gauges your actual personality.  How revolutionary, n'est-ce pas?  *rolls eyes*

Oh, and outside of snogging Sirius Black, I'd actually figured before that I would be a Gryffindor.  I'm too blatant a person for Slytherin, I'm too lazy for Ravenclaw, and I'm not social enough for Hufflepuff.  Plus, I want to go on some adventures, damn it.  I want to hang with awesome people who will dare to check out the Shrieking Shacks of the world with me, and maybe charm the Great Hall upside-down for kicks.  People who are smart, but will use their smarts to have some freakin' fun with life.

Except...well, these things don't happen in my town, in my school.  Everything's woodsy, and secluded, and a million miles apart.  Until you get your driver's license, you need your parents to drive you *everywhere*.  Plus, no magic.  Do you know, I can't think of any decent, unexpected pranks you can pull at school without the aid of magical powers.  And don't get me started about classes.  Except for English, which is my one true love, I can't think of any subject that I like more than its magical equivalent.  Chemistry vs Potions, American History vs Magical History, Biology vs Herbology, Algebra vs Arithmancy, French vs Ancient Runes, not to mention Charms and Transfiguration and DADA...the list keeps getting better.  I swear I'm going to go insane in my life.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm being forced to go write an essay on the Salem Witch Trials.  And unless I can find a website that says they really were witches, except they weren't trying to hurt people, you see, they were just trying to get this one spell...well, it's going to be boring.  If you happen to read this, and have magical powers, please tell me where I can find some.  I'm desperate.  

remus/sirius, magic, marauders, harry potter, sorting hat, boring real life, hogwarts

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