Mememememetime...we're actually approaching the end here...

Mar 18, 2010 18:20

 16. Do you write romantic relationships? How do you do with those, and how “far” are you willing to go in your writing? ;)

I very seldom write something that does not contain a romantic relationship. I think it has something to do with being a silly teenager, and hopefully it'll pass, but it probably won't. Anyways. I like to think that I'm rather good at writing those, but I don't know, because all I know about romance is what I've read. Hopefully I've been accurate all these years. ...Well, not ALL these years, because the stuff I wrote in sixth grade was just plain bad. But recent time writing should be at least vaguely plausible.

I will go as far as the characters want to go. Whether that scene ever leaves my hard drive is a different story. My knowledge of sex extends about as far as my knowledge of romance, so I'm not confident enough to actually post any of it. I'd say that my story "Brush Painting" (the Thom/Hal one) is the farthest I've ever gone in a story that other people have seen. Let me tell you, I was nervous about that one, and it's not even explicit at all. But, when I'm writing, if the scene feels awkward fading to black, then I'll at least try to do the moment some sort of justice. I really don't know whether I'm any good at it.

17. Favorite protagonist and why!

I'll add in a new one of mine, a character I've been vaguely sketching for this year's prospective Screnzy. His name is Étoile Laliberté, and he is not French. He knows French because he grew up in high society, and now he's a pirate who pretends that he's French to seduce people. (Because apparently I can't write a story without a marauding manslut.) He even has a ridiculous accent to prove it. He seems like tons of fun to write, and he has his hair in these super badass dreadlocks, and actually he looks a lot like this guy:
He also gets this faily sunburn across his nose when he stays on the deck for too long. He's not my *favorite*, but he's my current obsession, so I thought I'd show him to all of you.

18. Favorite antagonist and why!

I don't think that the Ambassador technically an antagonist. She does, after all, try to help my characters. STILL she's just so cool, oh my god. She's this glamorous middle-eastern woman living as an incredibly successful crime lord on Venus. And they call her the Ambassador. YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT. She's just about the coolest side character I've ever written. I ended up giving her a much bigger role than I'd planned, and I do not regret it.

19. Favorite minor that decided to shove himself into the spotlight and why!

Oh, Krys, most definitely. She was just going to be on screen for a few seconds to show off her ironic name. She wound up being, well, more important than my original tentative MC. Also she's basically Karolina from Runaways, who is one of my favorite female characters ever, and it's really awesome that I somehow predicted her.

20. What are your favorite character interactions to write?

Witty banter is the most amusing, and it comes surpisingly easy to me. I tend to write at least one character who can be witty and fabulous in every situation, because you never know when you'll need a conversation to keep things amusing. That being said, I actually really love writing romances. Nervous, awkward, head-spinning romances. Part 23 of the Shoebox Project. Two interesting characters coming together and having no clue what they're doing but being unable to stop. You know what I'm talking about.  <3

I'm really happy today.  I'm not sure why.  I guess I shouldn't question irrational happiness, should I?  I'll just keep writing fluff and dancing dorkily around my room and hoping an irrational bad mood doesn't follow.  XD

meme, writer angst

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