I must be really bored to be so productive.

Oct 04, 2009 00:46

Well now, I sure am glad I didn't get caught in this huge deluge going on tonight. I usually don't mind walking home, especially since it gives me time to clear my head (or muddle up my head, depending on what I'm thinking). As I was walking home tonight, it started pouring, but just for about five minutes. I raced under a nearby porch and hugged the wall, watching the rain come down and thinking I was totally screwed. It let up after a while, and continued to drizzle after that, so I was pretty lucky in that respect.

About ten minutes after I get home, there are several titanic crashes of thunder, then it just starts RAINING. If I were still outside, I'd be soaked in seconds.

I've been trying hard to keep up the habit of writing something everyday, so anyone reading this will probably see quite a few more posts in the near future, as I'm struggling to find something *interesting* to write about.

I just got through with Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere. It was pretty good. I'm not saying it was bad, now, it just didn't blow me away. I'm currently in the middle of a collection of his short stories and poems, called Smoke and Mirrors, and enjoying it far more. Go read it. Or really, just any of his stuff. I *still* need to go pick up Sandman. I keep hearing so many awesome things about it.

I've been doing some research on my story, particularly on dragons, and as you may have figured, it's really hard to dig up any kind of solid, consistent facts about imaginary creatures. So to sort of make up for the whole imaginary bit, I've decided to just do as much research as possible (really, just as much as I feel like doing before deciding the whole thing is moot anyhow) on real life reptiles, specifically the reproductive cycles and gestation processes of the saltwater crocodile, the largest reptile on Earth. Oh, and not only that, but I have to familiarize myself with the complexities of the human reproductive system, since Tiamat is essentially human in this newest version of the story. Just how long does the egg spend in her body after conception?? WHO KNOWS?? Just how long does the egg take to hatch after it's been laid (FUN FACT! Did you know many female reptiles can hold onto sperm in her body for six years?! Neither did I! 8D)?? WHO KNOWS?? To someone who likes to have things straight before setting them down on paper, it's very unnerving knowing that I'm basically just making this shit up as I go along.

I wish it ended there, but it doesn't. Not too far down the story, Tiamat leaves her child with Jon, who suddenly finds himself a single father. However, this situation brought up all kinds of questions in my mind. For example, what are the legalities of literally finding a strange baby on the doorstep? Does Jon get to legally adopt the child? Is the child taken away from him to find a suitable home? Are there any paternity tests they might make him take?? So many questions, and I have to ask myself, Why am I trying to make this thing so damn realistic? No wonder so many fantasy writers are drawn to the whole medieval, D&D type setting. If there's a problem, you just hack your way out of it; there's no need to go through all this red tape just to make something believable.

However, I really really *do* want to portray any and all difficulties Jonathan has to face in order to raise the kid. I want everything going all higgledy-piggledy when Tiamat comes back years later to reclaim her heir (if things turn out that well at all; I've killed off characters before).

I've forgotten how draining it can be to write and put your all into it. But I love it, and I really do hope this goes somewhere.


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