I got rid of a bunch of books today. This shouldn't be hard, cuz with the exception of a v. v. worn out edition of "Whitney, My Love", they are going to a better place, where more people will read them and make them feel special. It is still difficult. I am a horrific little bibliophile.
I'm working on my thesis, and jeez do I wish I could read Turkish. This is thoroughly random, and I really need something better to do on my bloody weekends.
Yay! So i finally cleaned out all my email stuff, archived, and compacted most of it, and my drive is no longer over the limit. Normally I'm that much of a dork, but, I had so much crap from web building, it was really a problem.
I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I am disappointed. http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2005/jul/05071301.html Don't we have more important matters as a church to be dealing with? And has he even read the bloody books?