My article "Tourism branding of the Russian Arctic destinations" was published on 14th January 2021 by
IOP Publishing Ltd (Bristol, UK).
For citation: D S Timoshenko 2021 Tourism branding of the Russian Arctic destinations IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 625 012020 The study aims to identify the main conditions for the tourism destinations formation in the Russian Arctic and develop theoretical, methodological, and practical recommendations for promotion and branding. The crucial principles of Russian state policy in the Arctic, aimed at protecting national interests, including tourism, have been determined. The factors of tourism destinations branding and the multidimensionality of tourism space in the Russian Arctic are analysed. The tourism identity of the Russian Arctic is revealed. The factors that determine the promotion and branding of tourism destinations in the Russian Arctic are considered in correlation with Arctic tourism sustainability's fundamental principles. The research uses a dialectical method, as well as general logical, theoretical and empirical methods. The article defines the conditions for increasing the domestic tourist product's competitiveness in the Arctic, lists tourist sites and attractors, territories, and tourist products of the most pronounced interest for domestic and foreign tourists. The article presents the components of the image of tourism destinations in the Russian Arctic, which can become the basis for tourism branding strategy. The necessity of creating conditions in Russia's Arctic regions for the professional implementation of tourist personnel and the influx of labour resources from urbanised and oversaturated territories is substantiated.
Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Ph. Diana S. Timoshenko
Yamal Ph. Diana S. Timoshenko
Franz Josef Land Ph. Diana S. Timoshenko
#arctic #tourism #dianastimoshenko #russia #tourismbrand #russiannorth #russianarctic #branding #sustainabletourismdevelopment #arcticcouncil #theindigenoussmallnumberedpeoplesofthenorth #nationalparkrussianarctic #yamal #nao
#franzjosefland #barneo