2024-05-18, Sun, Ublisi

May 18, 2024 06:26

How to find heaven?

А деревья заболели чумой
Заболели ещё весной

We start, by default, with cultural viruses and “*junk values*” inherited and interiorized, which define our experience. Eventually we are disillusioned. A crisis or death might stress the futility. “*Empty spaces, what are we living for?*” Ouch.

Всё пройдёт, и печаль, и радость
Всё пройдёт, так устроен свет
(Всё пройдёт by Роман Неумоев / Летов)

Might bounce away from the meaning then (2011-07-07), into a kind of omnidirectional vacuum (John 1:5). The “effortless verbal will” might be developed there, as the capacity for moving regardless of where to. (The queen in chess “*can move any number of squares vertically, horizontally or diagonally*”.) James Tripp's “*detachment from outcomes*” is of a similar vein: move for the fun of it, find enjoyment in the steps, care not whether a socially “sanctioned” milestone would follow up.
We can assign meaning and divinity to small steps, to the choice of the next SH word, for instance. But, this novel belief (as in “*belief → mind flow → physical → experience*”) needs to displace the ((llama70゙: dominant narratives)): we might need to invoke the outdated values, to rub the old skin, in order to cannibalize them per “*memory reconsolidation*”.

Но сиянье обрушится вниз
Станет твоей душой

It is not enough to extol the “effortless verbal will”: one needs to burn the “*junk values*” in a great bonfire (Burning Man, Масленица).

Факты, аргументы, кишки,
Слюни, агрегаты, капкан,
Погань, самосвалы, стишки,
Насморк, радиация, тараканы...
(В стену головой by Летов)

The Diary of a Country Priest by Georges Bernanos might hint on this shift from *collecting achievements* to a dance of *small steps*.
The Law of Attraction might be favored by certain spirits as a line which keeps the skill of re-evaluating experience.
One curious property here is that by detaching the will from the outcomes we obtain the ability to test and re-test precipice paths. For example, we might try turning water into wine, or bespelling the dice. “*Повторятся сказки наяву*”. For “a fish dying from hunger for internalizing some invisible glass that was in the past separating it from the food” crashing against the transparent wall was likely painful. When we value just the will and not the outcome, - we might test such barriers freely. Gary 'Smiler' Turner: “*I wanted to fail!*”

В этом отношении истинно богоугодно идущие путем заповедей все до единого - монахи

This is not an easy path (Leviticus 19:2), for most people are predisposed towards a social signal. (cf. Прозрение by Виктор Луферов or Eleanor Rigby by Beatles). Like in a house touched by [mold](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mold_health_issues), a person is reinfected through memory, interaction, Persinger's entanglement and collective unconscious.
We need a dose of Ubik to fight back the mold.
For instance, diverting a bit of will into summoning (invoking, evoking, imposing) spirits (angels, demons, gods, tulpas), or simpler yet, into enjoying the company and amusement of spirits already present around us: sun, earth, air, et cetera.

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