So a frequent conundrum is when someone asks to help with a computer task (say, log in into Steam) and then just keeps sitting in front of said device. A dialogue could then commence of a sort “- I can not help you. - Why not? - For lack of physical access.”
Nick Fury: Until such time as the world ends, we will act as though it intends to spin on
It's not just about “*putting the cart before the horse*”, but also a normal straight carriage. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If a person is trying to pull a cart, leave them alone and go about your business. More often than not, people do not approach the cars on the street in order to push them. Even if a car is broken, people would keep passing by.
It might be a kind of “bystander effect”. There's lots of people. If there were but a single person in the world, they might stumble into “*queer trades*”, but as there are many, they develop all sorts of tropes, rotes and heuristics and tend to follow them more often than to push at random cars.
Conversely, using *effort* during hypnotic facilitation might be like pulling a cart. A horse would stand aside and laugh at it.
Our role is to guide the carriage, to determine the speed and direction it needs to go, or else to put a mark on a map and let a Tesla AI drive it for us.
Spaceship AI (2021-04-14) is digital, informational: it's no use for it to burn like a reaction engine. AI produces signals, not thrusts. It needs to learn to *talk* with the engines and sensors instead of, say, pushing a spaceship by spewing a torrent of random words.
Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi
What is permissible for Jupiter is not permissible for a cow
So when a LoA practitioner says that they have learned to “let go” and trust the universe, a meaningful translation might be to say that they have learned to speak the language of the ship. To be a King, rather than a bull pulling a plow.
Problem is, in a human society a person might be a cow. Heuristics learned are that of the “*pauper*” and not of the “*prince*”. As a biped, most of us are used to embodying every step, ever pushing against the gravity of the earth. Some even teach the “*mindfulness*” of it.
One way to “fly” is simply to *tell* the body to move from point A to point B, instead of manually struggling at every step. Yet it requires a different set of habits and skills (cf. “*Professor Rodriguez*” in My Voice Will Go with You).
When one understands this settling into single-mindedness well, his affairs will thin out
Point is, one needs to step away from the cart, or stop being a jet engine, and retreat now and then into the high castle of the “effortless verbal will” (2023-01-21). The Transcendental Meditation has a notion of ((llama70゙: settling into pure awareness)), which might be a similar castle: there's a “*cogito, ergo sum*” boundary behind which a person, in a kind of decontaminated Adult ego state, can be safe and free and invulnerable, simply through the power of picking a next word; “*the eternal child who cannot be significantly damaged and so may cleave to the pure and playful delight of floating fiction in the face of stern reality*”.