Dec 31, 2015 10:53
So last year at this time I was a little depressed, and I read about something that seemed like a good idea: get a jar, and every time something important or good happens, write it down and put it in the jar, and read all the slips of paper at the end of the year. Well, it's New Year's Eve, so time to open the jar!
New Year 2015: Rang in 2015 with Loog and Jen in a nice hotel room over sparkling cider!
Jan 1: Hanging out at Jen's: smoke alarm goes off--everyone evacuate the building! [It was very exciting lol]
Jan 19: Birthday dinner with friends at Texas Roadhouse [Athens, OH]
Jan 20: Over 90 "happy birthdays" on Facebook. :)
Jan 29: Passed my dissertation proposal defense!
Feb 13: Copy-edited an essay by bell hooks for OU Press. [It's considered bad form to tell people which authors you've copyedited, but this is was my first big name in copyediting, and you guys won't spread it around, right? :P ]
Feb 14: Dressed up and went out to dinner with the single ladies of my Bible study and then watched The Pirate together over hot cocoa.
Week of Feb 9: Palentine [turned out to be Renee B] gave me pink tulips, cookies, candy, soup, hot chocolate--all kinds of lovely goodies!
Feb 28-Mar 7: Not leaving the house for almost the entirety of spring break because of snow. EXCEPT: Tommy's Friday night, and Jen came Saturday: we ate at Diffy's with Jesse.
Feb: Found an antidepressant that WORKS! [Note: turns out later that it was a honeymoon period and it didn't work indefinitely. BUT, mostly as a result of some good therapy (FINALLY) over spring semester and another good antidepressant, I've kicked a lot of my depression, so I'm doing significantly better this year than I was last year at this time!]
March: Got a ton of compliments on OkCupid. :P
Apr 4: Blue Feathers got accepted by Loconeal Publishing!!! [This is funny, b/c I always consider Apr 4--4/4--to be my lucky day. :P ]
Apr 11: It's not even the end of the semester yet, and I've already written two chapters of my dissertation! Life is beautiful.
Spring sem: First semester on grading contract went swimmingly! Got really good comments on my student evals.
May 15: Finished first draft of my dissertation! 209 pages in five months!
June 30: My first real surgery! Went fine. Got a diagnosis of endometriosis.
Summer: Sold crafts and three events, made about $130.
Fall: Teaching my very first solo literature class! (And with any luck, NEVER TEACHING COMPS AGAIN.) [Note: My luck was in!]
Nov: Rewrote my entire dissertation in less than a month.
I'm going to keep the notes written on Dec 16 and Apr 4. :) Now the jar is empty for 2016!