(no subject)

May 10, 2011 09:57

I finished my intellectual freedom term paper! Presented it yesterday, got a couple of comments, revised slightly, proofread this morning, printed it out. Only two more term papers to go! \o/


Before a class in which we were discussing Whitman's "Song of Myself":
Jess: It smells like undergrads in here!
person 2: what do undergrads smell like?
Ashley: ignorance and fear.
Prof: and beer.
person 5: what would Whitman do?

Kerry: It was that famous quote by Gandhi: You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
Preston: I must change myself into a human-robot hybrid, then.

Ashley: doot doot doo doot doot doo…
Alix: That’s what I’ve heard.
Ashley: *nods*
Alix: I don’t know if I agree, though. Jury’s still out on that one.
Ashley: Doot doot doot doo doo.
Alix: Ooo… I don’t know if I’d go THAT far.

The rest of these all came from last night. I had soda at dinner; I don't know what Alix's excuse was.

[we get into a discussion about squares]
Alix: pentagon, hexaton, octagon…
Alix: No, that’s… what, 12?
Ashley: 20, I think.
Alix: Twelve would be… du… no,
Ashley: 20-sided figure
Alix: di!
Ashley: *wibbles*
Alix: …
No! I don’t mean that! I don’t want you to die, Ashley.
Ashley: Yay!
Alix: Altho since you HAVE already paid the rent…

Alix: Ashley, if you’re not careful I’m going to write an anthropological study on you.
Ashley: yay!
Alix: as the missing link.
Ashley: …between what?
Alix: I’m not sure.
Ashley: I think I see myself as the missing link between pop culture and academia.
Alix: I was going to say, the missing link between lemurs and Apatosaurus.
Ashley: [starts laughing]
Alix: hey! I didn’t say it was going to be a well-respected study!

Alix: There’s epic stuff goin' down tonight!
Ashley: there is!
Alix: there’s epic stuff goin' down in this apartment! And by epic stuff, I mean I think they’re pumping drugs through the vents.
Ashley: I don’t think we need them, actually.

Ashley: guess what I’m doing!
Alix: not homework.
Ashley: nope. I’m taking a picture of myself and drawing a goatee on it so I know what my evil twin looks like.
Alix: [almost chokes on her drink]

(I was, actually. Here's my evil twin, so you can recognize her in case you ever meet her:)

(Actually, I was originally trying to do it with this photo. I discovered that happy pictures don't make for good evil twins:)

Ashley: when I get my phd, I want to get ridiculously fancy regalia. And instead of a mortarboard, I want one of those hats that looks like a THROW PILLOW!
Alix: Get out of my room.

(Alix then introduced me to the wonders of Portuguese academic regalia. Women get gigantic capes with girl scout patches! DO WANT!)


wikipedia, photos, quoteboard, humor

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