
Feb 08, 2009 02:05

I was up at 7:30 this morning, after going to bed around 2:19am (damn you FF Tactics!), so that I could go to NY comic con.  I am currently exhausted, but also happy, and might write a few more things about it later (such as what sketch got cut from the Robot Chicken Star Wars things that was actually quite funny, but censored out and cut anyway), but for now, a few highlights:

- Got to the Penny Arcade panel.  They rock!  And in March 2010, the first east coast PAX will be held in Boston!

-Got to the Robot Chicken panel.  Seth Green is very wee, but the whole lot of them are *hysterical*. And have an odd obsession with donuts...

-Got fireun a poster signed by the two penny arcade dudes...now she owes me a Favor.  This ought to be fun. ^_^

-I am now the proud owner of a Penny Arcade "Photoshop Hero" shirt...only wish I still had access to Photoshop ^_^;.  But still cool!

And now I am off to bed before I tip over and sleep here at the desk...Laters!
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