OK. I misspelled Van de Graaf. Sorry. I didn't know how to spell it because most of my knowledge from the thing comes from viewing "MythBusters". I'll fix it in the final edit.
Why does Trey have to taste everything? He's like a toddler; gotta put everything in his mouth. "Hon, where's the cat?" "No, dear. Did you check Junior's mouth?" Harrison is using a fancy MLA pipette... those things are expensive. How can a cartoon squirrel afford one of those things? I guess the same way he can afford a Van de Graaf generator.
Trey's last line is from a song by illustrious Reverend Billy C. Wirtz's song, "Partying Motherfucker".
http://www.reverendbilly.com/ (Wow. He looks like hell post-heart attack.) He is the preacher for the First House of Polyester Worship and Our Lady of the White Go-Go-Boot. Too bad you can't see all of his tattoos. :S See if you can get the AllMusic site to work. Here's his song, "Just Friends", that I also really like. >:D