Title: Hard Wired
Author name:
arsenicjadeBeta name:
thepouncerCharacters/Pairing: Bucky/Steve
Word count: ~30k
Warnings: rape/non-con, non-con body modification, PTSD, violence, therapy
Summary: After a few months of being on his own, his body deteriorating, Bucky knows he's got to go somewhere. He can only think of one place to go. Your basic post CA2 fix-it fic.
Fanworker name:
truthismusicRating of fanwork: G
Link to accompanying fan work master post:
go here AN: One of my entries for
marvel_bang this year, also used for the PTSD square for my
hc_bingo, and written for
luuv2shop for her support of LLS. Huge thanks to my beta, all remaining mistakes are mine.
On to the story...