Nov 20, 2006 22:59
this is the second part of the "screenplay". i begin introducing a PART of (the somewhat large) cast. the story cuts into what is an everyday experience for all of us (at least for chance and i). its still in the air if i want to keep all as it is, but i wrote it last night real fast-... and im beginning the next part after this post... so, here is the beginning of the movie:
*CHANCE and COLIN sitting around smoking and talking (at COLINs house), pretty surreal, eh?
*this is where the story of the “group” begins to unfold…
CHANCE: hey, so everyones back in town for the week, right?
COLIN: yeah man, christmas break.
COLIN: good call… don’t want some politically correct motherfucker to get on my ass over that.
CHANCE: youd prefer someone politically incorrect to do that instead?
BOTH: *awkward laughter*
CHANCE: …so, hey-… wasn’t PATRICK supposed to call?
COLIN: yeah… he was stopping over at SEANs house. They were gonna stop over a bit later.
CHANCE: ill give them a call… its getting late, and I wanna get going.
COLIN: yeah, weve been here all day…
*CHANCE attempts calling SEAN and PATRICK without any luck. He could leave angry messages (do multiple takes if this is the case, and adlib) OR we could cut to the phone ringing on a now traveling SEAN and PATRICK, while playing a really lame ring-tone.
*CHANCE sighs, use a few b-cuts during this (of cigarettes, close-ups of phone and all).
*CHANCE closes phone and tosses it onto the table.
CHANCE: theyre not picking up. You wanna give someone else a call?
COLIN: JAMES is in town, isnt he?
CHANCE: I think so. Give him a call… maybe he can swing by SEANs house on his way over.
*cut to JAMES sitting on couch playing with guitar. I do like when he plays guitar… its nice ^_^
*JAMES phone rings. He stops playing and looks at it carelessly. It stops ringing and he begins playing again. COLIN calls again and this time JAMES sighs and relectantly picks up his phone.
JAMES: hello?
COLIN: hey man!
JAMES: oh, hey, COLIN! Sorry about not picking up before-… I thought it was this really clingy chick who-… ehh, so whats up?
COLIN: not much. Wanted to see if you wanted to come over-… and if so, think you could stop by SEANs? He hasn’t answered his phone all fuckin’ day.
JAMES: yeah, sure. Ill be over in a bit-… he still live in that big old house?
COLIN: yeah, thanks man. Later!
JAMES: byyye…
*now we go through a quick series of cuts showing JAMES setting down guitar, grabbing keys and a soda, getting in car, closing door and driving away.
*we are in passengers seat with JAMES driving and listening to whatever music (we will lay different music over this to synch up audio better, but consider having him sing and kinda nod head).
*JAMES pulls up to SEANs house, the front door is obviously open, and SEANs truck door is left ajar as well (from before). You are able to hear quiet whimpering/howling as JAMES walks towards the door… across the lawn, closing SEANs truck door. As he approaches the door, he rings once and wait. The quiet whimpering has stopped now, and we wait with JAMES in eerie silence.
*JAMES rings again and calls out for someone as he steps in. He looks around, slightly frightened as he sees the vomit and blood on the ground. He calls out again, and starts walking towards the front door. He grabs his phone and makes a call, standing in the front door frame.
JAMES: COLIN?!… hey, im at SEANS, and I cant find either of them. It looks like someone OD’d or something-…there’s fucking blood everywhere. Should I call the cops or anything?
COLIN: no man, thatll just get them in more trouble-… don’t touch anything and come on over. Itll all be cool… hes got insurance.
JAMES: alright man…
*JAMES begins walking towards his car again, as we see PATRICK and SEAN emerge from the darkened house behind him into the light… JAMES is just out of their reach, and as they attempt to grasp him, he leaves frame and they are left pawing the air. We show him get into car and drive off and PATRICK and SEAN are left in the front, unbeknownst to JAMES.
*We cut to a television announcer…
ANNOUNCER: …The Center of Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia has released information about a possible pandemic. They are unsure as to how many people have been afflicted by this new virus, though we at (enter news stations name here) have been informed that is is not an airborne and seems to only be contagious through transfer of bodily fluids. Homeland Security has also issued reports claiming this is not a terrorist act of war, eliminating the need to raise the level of warning. A few dozen cases of this new virus have been registered in local hospitals. The symptoms so far seem to include increased body temperature, nausea, mild dellusions and in some cases, death. Officials say that keeping your hands clean and avoiding contact with those who are ill will reduce your chances of contracting this virus. Doctors have stated that there is no guarantee of a persons response to this virus, because it is such a new strain.
*cut to CHANCE and COLIN watching the television.
COLIN: this is some pretty depressing shit man. I hope not too many people are effected.
CHANCE: well, id heard it was a wider spread illness than just fucking Georgia-… I mean, this is local news, so you need to figure that something must have happened in town, right?
COLIN: I guess so-… but what it boils down to is, I really don’t wanna wash my hands after I take a piss.
CHANCE: understandable… as long as you don’t get any on your hands.
*the two pause and look at the television again
*the doorbell rings and interupts their conversation
COLIN: I got it…
CHANCE: *mumbles* …its youre fucking house.
*hand-cam track COLIN to door, which opens to reveal JAMES.
COLIN: HEY MAN!!… long time no see!
JAMES: *talking kind of fast* yeah man… seriously. So, can I come in and sit down?
COLIN: sure thing.
*cut to behind JAMES as he steps in and the door is closed behind him.
*the two of them walk into the TEEVEE room where CHANCE gives a half-assed wave to JAMES, as JAMES drops onto the couch.
CHANCE: you look a little upset man.
JAMES: wouldn’t you be?
CHANCE: …about what?
COLIN: …oh yeah, slipped my mind. JAMES found blood and shit all over the ground over at SEANS, and he and PATRICK were nowhere around.
CHANCE: …now how the FUCK did you forget to mention THAT?!
COLIN: I dunno man… I had a lot on my mind?
*they all sit for a minute or two, possibly giving COLIN dirty looks and COLIN acting surprised at this. CHANCE shrugs and lights up (others can as well).
*show a few cuts of them smoking and talking and walking towards the kitchen and grabbing a drink.
JAMES: you think theyre alright?
COLIN: im sure theyre fine. Ive seen PATRICK get outta worse with nothing more than a scratch on him.
CHANCE: yeah… SEANS pretty agile too-… the two of them are borderline invulnerable. *sarcastic*
JAMES: I guess youre right. It was just kinda crazy-… I get back into town to find THIS… hah.
*they finish their smokes and walk into the (empty) garage, either cut or use hand-cam.
*we have an establishing shot of the garage as they walk in, showing a large amount of water, food (?) and wood stock-piled. There is also a nice sized table along one wall.
JAMES: planning for the apocalypse?
COLIN: you cant be too sure… id rather live out of here than deal with some of the nutbags out there
*COLIN signals to the garage door
CHANCE: wait… youre the one with enough fucking supplies to last you into next year in here and youre calling the people outside this room crazy?
COLIN: …isnt it strange asking a crazy man if hes seen anything out of the ordinary today? With all the shit popping up in the news, youd be insane NOT to have a personal stockpile at your house.
*we now realize what theyre looking at… a beautiful table of guns and knives, bats and crowbars… all kinds of fun stuff for kids to enjoy (consider buying shotgun too… those are fun).
COLIN: I figure its good to be prepared-… and if that fails, this is my back-up plan to get BETTER supplies that will last longer…
*fade out, thats the story thus far. dunno how many people are reading this, so ill leave the rest kind of open. im in the process of working out how to introduce the "lone wolf", though ive got a few ideas in my head. also, feel free to criticize... im QUITE open to that. thanks again.