Washington Post has a
sickening article about an explicit example of the administration choosing the interests of corporations over those of the people. In this one, the Health and Human Services Department has softened a campaign to encourage women to breastfeed to satisfy the lobbying by the formula companies. On their request, the HHS has replaced a series of advertisements already in the works with "an approach that the ad company hired by HHS had advised would be ineffective."
The sentence that really struck me was about a report on connection between breastfeeding and health of the infant: "The report did not assert a direct cause and effect, because doing so would require studies in which some women are told not to breast-feed their infants -- a request considered unethical, given the obvious health benefits of the practice." The scientists had ethic concerns about telling people not to breast feed! Apparently, ethics did not enter considerations of the political appointees not to effectively encourage the practice.
So much for the culture of life. This and the SCHIP affair should convince everyone: the Republicans don't give a hoot about the infants once they are out of the womb.