stole this quiz from bex:
85% Chris Dodd
85% Barack Obama
84% John Edwards
80% Mike Gravel
80% Hillary Clinton
78% Dennis Kucinich
78% Joe Biden
70% Bill Richardson
41% Rudy Giuliani
26% John McCain
25% Tom Tancredo
22% Mike Huckabee
21% Mitt Romney
20% Ron Paul
12% Fred Thompson
2008 Presidential Candidate Matching Quiz i watched the debates tonight. loved how everyone ganged up on mitt romney. what a smug little prick. ron paul is pretty cool, i like what he said about terrorism and foreign policy, why they hate us and all that. but all his shti about the dollar is weird. my typing's kinda shitty cuz i'm a littld runk, dont' feel like changing my mistakes so DEAL WITH ME PEOPLE. i like john mccain but he's so damn old. i wish he had won back in 2000, though not as much as i waish gore had!
before tonight iwas leaning toward obama. but i really thing k hillary did wonderfully. i like her more. i think i'm gonna vote for her. i really really like john edwards and agree with a lot of his positions but i 'm so sick of white men being president. i think now that i have the chance to vote for a woman ofr a black guy, i should take that oppurtunity!!!!!! hil looked great tonight btw. loved the outfit. bill rihardisnonosndfodifdfodifdfidf is cool but he's totally not gonna win so i'm not gonna waste my vote. and what' sup with his name? i thought he was hispanic? shouldn't it be guillamo ricardo or something? idk. i like wine. and rum. and liberal politics! and ron paul, he amuses me. reminds me of good ol' mr big ears ROSS PEROT! but obama has the big ears. haha this is gonna meake me laugh tomorrow. POST!