016 ► TEXT ► tournament.

Oct 02, 2008 23:13

Good luck, Nox. I hope having a girlfriend hasn't tarnished your skills.

Anyone else I know who's competing?

PRIVATE ► unhackable.

Sheifa strangely reminds me of Nel. The red hair, mostly, and the warrior's aura. She doesn't act like it half the time, but it's not difficult to tell that she'd been trained a fighter, and very well in fact. I'm just... a little surprised by her request. I thought she wanted to learn about runology to make herself stronger, but it looks like she has other ideas.

And what she said... well, it's a little reassuring. Now if I could only be certain that she does get to accompany Albel back to Elicoor when this is all over, and that one of them at least will have his or her memories of Econtra intact, I could rest in peace.

plot: hiei's tournament, au: sheifa, thoughts of home and the future, au: albel

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