Sep 28, 2008 20:44
SCREENED TO ALBEL ► unhackable.
Hey, I got your stuff.
Mission accomplished.
PRIVATE ► unhackable.
It seemed luck was on my side, too. Although instead of a blizzard and a memory lapse, it was a spell that had half the compound, including myself, burst into song.
I love her. I know with certainty now that I do, and it's not because she bears any form of resemblance to Sophia. Perhaps Albel was right, after all. I do love Sophia still and she will always be a part of me, but I think she's going to be happy that I've finally gotten to my feet and moved on.
Aerith and I... well, it's going to take some getting used to. I'm not complaining, though.
operation: nox-li nuptials,
au: demyx,
faerith ♥,
because this is what best friends do,
ou: aerith,
this strange feeling = love?,
au: albel,
au: sheifa,
ou: selphie