037 ► TEXT ► unfinished business.

Dec 29, 2008 18:08


I hope you enjoyed the holidays, everyone. But it's back to work, I'm afraid. There are a few matters I wish to discuss with all of you, and with the team leaders in particular.

First, team assignments. I've gotten wind of rather violent reactions from some of those who'd been reassigned, and while you are free to express yourselves in a manner you deem necessary, please do not take out your anger on those who had nothing to do with it. It was my decision, so settle it with me.

On a related note, do any of the non-assault teams need more members? Zuko? Maria? Sylvanas? Skuld? I also received a suggestion to establish a surveillance team, as well as a separate division for healers and magic users. Who's up to be in command?

Second, what is the status of Operation: Joker? I know he's been captured and is being detained and interrogated, but has his accomplices been found? What else do we know about the situation? Any input from the communications team?

Third, we have unresolved issues from that last Alliance meeting that was abruptly cut short because of emergency reasons. I'd like to know your opinions on these. Please screen your response to the entire group, thank you.

► Alliance members masterlist.
► List of residents, with indications as to who can and can't be trusted.
► Sending a scouting party outside the Obex.
► Preparations against the threat of the Entropi.
► Construction of a new clinic.
► "Law" enforcement and issuing "punishment" to less agreeable residents.

And, lastly... well, I suppose you all remember that I was not the person elected to hold the Coordinator position, but rather, a... situation arose, and I had to take up the post. However, I feel that this should be settled as soon as possible, because there is much work that I have to do with regards to weapons development and I have accomplished nothing in the past weeks given all these developments. I wish to ask for the Alliance's decision on this matter, and I will abide by whatever the body decides.

domestic problems, assignments and reassignments, to end this war, the alliance, operation: joker, taking command, plot: buried alive, information gathering

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