ooc; christmas.

Dec 28, 2008 21:12

Aaaand same here. Late!mun is late, sorry. Anyway, these were also sent out on Christmas morning.

► Aerith - A white summer dress, with a note explaining that it's because she looks dazzling in white, and that it's to remind him that he owes her a vacation sometime.
► Albel - A guitar.
► Jing - A pair of boots that's been customized for easier movement and better ass-kicking.
► AU!Quatre - Sheet music for the violin. Classical, I suppose? Mun's choice.
► Nocturne - Sheet music for the sitar, mostly all-time favorite ballads and mushy songs.
► Selphie, Sheifa and Maria - A pair of earrings. For the stones, hessonite for Selphie, rhodolite for Sheifa and tsavorite for Maria - varieties of garnet, actually.
► Skuld - Various tools and materials for weapons-making, and a toolbox.
► Zuko - A sword with a sheath of a pretty, royal design.

au: demyx, ou: skuld, au: maria, ou: jing, ou: aerith, au: albel, ooc, au: quatre, au: sheifa, ou: zuko, ou: selphie

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