Sep 18, 2013 00:12

Writers have all been matched with artists and now the best part of every big bang really begins! Below is a list showing each matched writer and artist:

MB 01

krystalicekitsu | chosenfire28

MB 02

telaryn | twisted_slinky

BB 01

matrixrefugee/mtxref_fic | evian_fork

BB 02

mizzy2k | scribewraith

Please contact each other as soon as possible (if you haven't already done so!) Writers especially, please get a copy of your draft to your artist ASAP - big bangs are collaborations and the more time they have to work, the more successful the collaboration will be. (And don't worry if the draft is still on the rough side - no one's expecting a polished finished project at this stage of the game.)

(Artists, if you haven't heard from your artists after three days please let us know.)

Thank you to all the vigilantes for getting us this far!

claims, mod announcement

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