Art Claim Consolidation Post

Sep 13, 2013 09:53

It's been almost a week and we only have two stories left! Artists, if you haven't made a claim, check them out and comment on this post. If any stories still remained unclaimed by this time tomorrow we will open public claiming. If you've been on the fence, don't miss out!

ALL CLAIMED! Thank you, everyone!

MB 01
Pairing(s)/Characters: John Diggle, Oliver Queen (Olt'ver), Tommy Merlyn, Felicity Smoak, supporting characters
Rating: R
Warnings/Content Notes:General Star Trek fusion set shortly before the Dominion War in a slightly alternate universe where the Romulans made besties with the Federation (but no ST knowledge is really actually necessary)

Summary: Living life on a Centaur-class ship is really a lot of boring monotony for a security officer; you have your newbie officers, your instances of non-reg 'speculative works' making the rounds on ship forums, your Klingon boarding parties, international plots of mystery and betrayal, and, oh, right, and the fact you're in love with your commanding, Romulan officer.

Utter drudgery.

BB 02

Pairing(s)/Characters: Quentin/Oliver
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Content Notes: violence and sex

Summary: Framed for a murder he didn't commit, Quentin Lance only has one contact in Starling City who can help him.

Knowing the wrongful imprisonment of her father would kill Laurel, Oliver takes up the task... with some caveats that will test Quentin’s moral code to its very limits.

Working as the Hood in such close proximity to the man who wants most to prove who he is might not be Oliver’s brightest idea ever. But hiding his true identity might not even be the hardest part of proving Quentin's innocence when the real murderer is unveiled...

A post listing who was matched with whom will go up as soon as the last story is claimed (but if you've already been claimed, don't wait! Please contact your artist ASAP!)

claims, mod announcement

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