May 08, 2006 20:50
I'm sitting in the Kimmel computer lab waiting for Hyde because he wants a ride back to lawrinson because he doesn't want to walk with his computer... so after going through facebook enough I've decided to update my livejournal with the end of the year and the recap and shit like that before I go home for the summer, go cross country again, go work at CVAss and go to Colorado and then move into 131...
August... I came back perfectly happy. And seriously had an awesome time at band camp meeting my new rookies and Leah, my band buddy. Moving into Haven 540 was awesome and when I look back on the entire year, living with Carl and Murray was a blast, espiically drinking with Murr. Classes started and whatever, August wasn't much of anything.
September... classes sucked alot. Shakespeare was actually ok but the rest sucked. Then drama started between me and everyone knows who as it always does and that was just sucky. Then more drama in the section which was just bad and the rookie skit. My rookies were pretty awesome though, espicially the sassy alicia. The football team sucked more than usual and games were just depressing. There was fortuantyl a random trip to Boston, me Jenn, Whitney and Michelle
and now I'm going to go drink with my alcoholic little brother... I'll update the rest later