RP: After the Party

Sep 28, 2005 00:47

after party )

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unbridled_angst September 28 2005, 10:55:44 UTC
Harry was surprised by how forward Draco was being, especially since he had been so coy up until just then. He pushed his knees into the bed and grabbed the bottom of Malfoy's shirt, pulling it over his head and tossing it away.


arrogant_prat September 28 2005, 12:20:56 UTC
Draco was forward in fits and spurts, although part of it was that he felt more comfortable that Harry liked him. If Harry was willing to be his boyfriend, then he must like him. Or so he reasoned. He blushed a little at his shirt coming off and tugged at Harry's, pulling it of inexpertly, catching his glasses and tugging them through his hair. "Oh! Sorry!"


unbridled_angst September 28 2005, 15:23:30 UTC
Harry made a noise that sounded like a cross between a hiss and a squeak. It didn't hurt very bad, but it was surprising and it did tug just a bit at a few individual hairs, which made him feel like he had to sneeze.

He didn't, though. "It's all right," he said, pulling his glasses out of his hair and tossing them onto the nightstand and then removing his shirt all the day. By this time he was straddling Malfoy. "Didn't hurt."


arrogant_prat September 28 2005, 15:36:59 UTC
Draco wasn't used to being straddled, or having someone on him at all. His grey eyes widened as he stared up at Harry, shrinking back a little at first. "I'm not used to undressing someone with glasses," he said dumbly. Of course, he wasn't used to undressing anyone other than himself, but words came out before he had a chance to think about them.

He eyed Harry's chest a moment, noting a few scars from past battles, probably the battle. Draco was far, far away when it happened, but he'd read about it. He slid his hand over the scar over his chest without even really thinking about how tenderly he was stroking Harry.


unbridled_angst September 28 2005, 15:47:46 UTC
Harry slid to the side when he noticed Draco's face, still half covering him. He smiled at not being used to undressing someone with glasses and stroked the bridge of his nose with his finger. Malfoy really was attractive, especially when he let his guard down. "It's ok," he repeated.

He stilled when he felt the fingers on his chest and then looked down at them. Harry didn't like his scars. The one on his forehead wasn't as obvious anymore; it was almost like trading one scar for a set of completely new ones, but with Malfoy stroking them so gently, he felt his heart swell in an unfamiliar way. "They're... I... " he stammered softly, still watching Draco's fingers. "They're ugly." Which wasn't at all how he really felt about them. What he really meant was they're a constant reminder.


arrogant_prat September 28 2005, 16:21:58 UTC
"They're who you are, who you were, they show where you've been and what you've done," he said, still fondling the raised skin. He gazed at them adoringly, they were unavoidably part of who Harry was, what he was. Even Draco recognised the sacrifices. He blushed a little at how forward he was being about sliding his hands over Harry's chest and brought his pale hands back and folded them politely on his chest as if he were a child who had been caught doing something dirty.

"Sorry... if you don't like them, I'll... I won't touch them. I know some glamors if you want... so you don't see them. I sometimes have blemishes and such," he said carefully as if admitting to a grave fault.


unbridled_angst September 28 2005, 16:59:32 UTC
Harry's face softened noticeably when Draco pulled his hand away. "You can touch them," he whispered, sounding vulnerable. As if touching his scars was very emotional. And to Harry it was, a little bit. He took Draco's hand and pulled it from his chest and pressed his palm back to his scars. Then he blushed.

"You cover them up really well," he said, hoping that sounded like a compliment, because that's how he meant it. He kissed Malfoy's temple and buried his nose in his hair to smell it. Petulant and whiny? Yes. But this was the first time he'd known Draco to be honestly sweet, all on his own. Harry didn't want the moment to end.


arrogant_prat September 28 2005, 17:11:19 UTC
Inhaling sharply, Draco pressed both hands against Harry's chest, feeling how warm he was, how alive his skin felt. He hadn't really touched Harry before. Just his face some, but not his body. Not like this.

He settled his right hand over Harry's heart and moved his other hand up to his neck, feeling his pulse. It was as if suddenly everything became very real. "Harry," he whispered anxiously as he slipped his arms around him and held him tightly, pressing their chests together, not even seeming to notice that he'd pulled Harry on top of him again.


unbridled_angst September 28 2005, 17:22:48 UTC
It was also the first time Draco had said his first name. The first time Harry could remember anyway. Maybe because it was the desperate way he whispered it. Harry liked hearing it. He slid one of his arms under Draco and settled in on top of him, enjoying the closeness. And how needy Malfoy felt.

"Draco," he whispered back against his hair, rubbing their cheeks together. "What's wrong?"


arrogant_prat September 28 2005, 17:31:36 UTC
He'd never felt so close to another person before. He was terrified, but he couldn't pull away from him. All he could do was cling tighter and let Harry snuggle against him. He exhaled, remembering to breathe again as he slid his hands down ovr Harry's back. "Nothing's wrong. I just... wanted to... say your name."

He fowned at how silly that sounded, but it was what he wanted. "How did you feel... yesterday. Touching me?"


unbridled_angst September 28 2005, 17:38:16 UTC
Harry pressed kisses to the side of Draco's face as he thought of his answer. He really wasn't sure how he had felt yesterday while he was touching Draco. Not a feeling that he could particularly put into words. Harry wasn't very talented verbally. "I..." he started, shifting some of his weight so his arm was supporting it and not Draco. "I felt..." relieved, but that didn't seem like the right word. Even though he had felt some relief, like he'd finally gotten something off his chest.

"I felt like you... trusted me and I felt... like you liked me more then you'd let on..." he said, not sure if that was the kind of answer Malfoy was looking for. "I just felt... close to you, you know?" I suck at serious conversation.


arrogant_prat September 28 2005, 17:47:44 UTC
"I feel close to you now. I was scared yesterday," he admitted, pulling Harry back on him, wanting to feel him again. "Not scared of you... just... I guess I was scared of a lot of things... I was.. um... I told you I never got... that way... with other people. I was scared I'd... lose it. And... I didn't know... I liked... that."

He frowned. Who didn't like being tossed off? Well, other than Draco because he didn' tknow if it could happen or not. "I didn't know if you'd stay after."


unbridled_angst September 28 2005, 18:10:31 UTC
Harry nuzzled Draco's face, black hair brushing against his face. "I feel close to you now, too," he admitted. And felt some little part of him melt. "I didn't know... know that it was your first time... for anything like that. I wouldn't have..." rolled you over and sexually molested you. "I would have been more... " gentle?

He was surprised that Draco didn't know he'd stay after. "You didn't?" he asked, pressing against him harder since he seemed to like that a lot. "Did you think I would just... leave...?"


arrogant_prat September 28 2005, 18:28:40 UTC
"I guess... I don't know. Everyone who... tried doing things like that to me... they all left. Got angry and left. I thought you might... well, I didn't think you'd go, but I thought you'd want to sleep in the living room again."

He brought his hands back up to wrap around his neck and slid his fingers through Harry's hair. "I didn't want you to know it was... I thought you'd laugh. veryone assumes I did... loads of things I didn't. Some people even lie about it. I don't know why." He squeezed Harry tighter. "You stayed."


unbridled_angst September 28 2005, 18:56:06 UTC
Harry couldn't stop himself; he started kissing over Malfoy's face again, dragging his lips over his eyelids. He really couldn't blame people for lying about whether they had anything to do with Draco sexually. He was hot. Though, now, Harry hoped that stopped. It probably wouldn't, however.

"Mhmm, I did stay," he murmured, kneading his lips against Draco's. He slowly pushed his tongue forward and traced the seal of Malfoy's lips, gradually coaxing them open so he could explore inside.


arrogant_prat September 28 2005, 20:49:32 UTC
Draco stopped his nervous rambling as Harry started to scatter kisses over his face. He exhaled in bliss and started to say something else, not even realizing that he was babbling. Instead, he found Harry's tongue sliding over his lips as they parted and he reached out to the warmth of it. Letting Harry's hair spill from his hands, he moved his hands down around his torso again and pressed his hips forward.

Harry hadn't left him. Harry wanted to be his boyfriend. Harry was his boyfriend and didn't even get angry that he'd thrown a glass at some girl's head. Harry made him feel safe. At the last realization, Draco relaxed more into the kiss and let his senses take over. His legs parted and wrapped around Harry's and he started to caress his back more passionately.


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