RP: After the Party

Sep 28, 2005 00:47

HarryPotter: "What's wrong?"
Draco: "Nothing. You can go back to flirting with that whore."
HarryPotter: "I didn't flirt with her!"
Draco: "I want to go home."
HarryPotter: "Then we're going home. Get up."
Draco: Draco pouted and got up, sliding his hand into Harry's as he looked around the room.
HarryPotter: Harry squeezed his hand and started them through the crowd, toward the door.
Draco: Draco stuck his tongue out at the woman who was flirting with Harry.
HarryPotter: Harry didn't see because he was too busy opening the door for Draco.
Draco: The woman stuck her tongue back out at Draco, and he grabbed a drink out of someone's hand and threw it at her head.

HarryPotter: Harry's eyes widened and he grabbed Draco's arm. "What are you doing?" he asked, waving apologetically at the girl since she was soaked and probably even cut a little. He slammed the door shut after he pulled Draco out.

Draco: "Throwing drinks at sluts!" he hissed as he tried to get past Harry to throw another one until they were out the door. He huffed and folded his arms.
HarryPotter: Harry's brows shot up. "Ok..." he said uncertainly. "Do you know that girl?"
HarryPotter: "Err, oh. I thought... ok. I told someone, I have no idea who, that I was your boyfriend?"
Draco: "You told someone that you're my boyfriend?" Draco paled and looked shocked.
HarryPotter: Harry blushed. "I thought.... I thought that's what I was supposed to do! And I didn't burst right out with it. I just said that I was there with you," babbled Harry. "Why did you said I was your bodyguard?"

Draco: "I thought you said to tell everyone you were my bodyguard, so they'd be less likely to attack. Wait.. that bitch thought you were my boyfriend and hit on you anyway? I'm going to kill her!" he shouted as he lunged for the door.
HarryPotter: Harry grabbed Draco. "Waiiiiiitttt," he pleaded. "I thought-- I don't guess it matters what we thought. I don't like that girl, ok?"
Draco: Draco latched onto Harry and pressed his face against his chest. "Someone's going to steal you and you're the only one who likes me," he whined pathetically.
HarryPotter: Harry looked like he'd been slapped in the face with something heavy. Again. He recovered and brought his hands up to stroke Draco's hair. "No one is going to steal me," he whispered.

Draco: "Yes they will!" he clung tighter, and whined, "Mine."
HarryPotter: Harry's eyes widened, but he didn't show any signs of how surprised he was. "No, they won't. Not going anywhere."
Draco: Draco wiped his eyes on his sleeve and backed up, suddenly seeming to realize what a scene he was making. "I want to go home."
HarryPotter: Harry nuzzled his face and squeezed him tightly. "Are you ok?"
Draco: "I don't know," he said, looking up at Harry honestly. Remembering what he'd said, he blushed brightly.
HarryPotter: Harry slid his thumbs over his blushing cheeks. "Talk to me about it," he said, wrapping his arm around his shoulders and starting them towards the exit that would lead them onto the street.

Draco: "Did you really tell people you were my boyfriend? Did you want to tell them that or is it just... a cover?"
HarryPotter: "You know how upset you got when that girl was flirting with me? I got that upset when you stormed off."
Draco: "She wanted to take you from me."
HarryPotter: "I don't want to be, though."

Draco: "You don't want to be my boyfriend?"

HarryPotter: "I don't want to be taken from you."

Draco: "I don't know how to do this."

HarryPotter: "I want to tell everyone I'm your boyfriend." Merlin, what is my deal?

Draco: Draco blushed. "Are you... asking me to be your boyfriend?"
HarryPotter: Harry felt like his heart stopped. But he managed to say, just turning all function over to instinct, "Yes."
Draco: Stopping in his tracks, he pulled Harry close to him, "Kiss me."
HarryPotter: Harry leaned down and brushed their lips together, barely flicking his tongue over Draco's bottom lip.
Draco: Draco did know how to kiss, he just didn't do it open mouthed very much. He let his lips part and slid his hands up into Harry's hair, teasing it with his fingers as he sighed.
HarryPotter: Harry nudged their noses together purposefully, wrapping his arms around Draco's neck and pulling him against him tighter as his tongue explored his mouth. "Mmm," he purred, leaing their lips together. "You should ask me to do that more often."
Draco: "You've only been my boyfriend for half a minute. I don't kiss a lot of people," he said, blushing slightly.
HarryPotter: Harry framed Draco's face and pressed tiny kisses all over his mouth. "Miiiiine," he said, playfully mocking Draco.
Draco: Draco looked very fussy. "Don't make fun of me!" he said, actually stomping.
HarryPotter: Harry smiled. "What? It's true!"
Draco: "You're teasing me for my outburst," he said, sulking again, but he hdidn't drop his arms from around Harry. "It's going to be all over the Prophet tomorrow."
HarryPotter: Harry rubbed his hands up and down Draco's back. "Do you mind that it's going to be all over the Prophet? There were a lot of photographers there..."
Draco: "I don't know... I guess... I'd like to have had mroe time to get used to it all before... everyone knew. But it's not like there's anyone who would make me feel bad about it." He rested his head on Harry's shoulder.
HarryPotter: Harry didn't seem to notice they were on a busy street after dark. He rested his chin on top of Draco's head and looked thoughtful. "I could see if I could keep it out of the Prophet," he said, wondering if his name still meant enough for him to get away with stuff like that.
HarryPotter: I love how we say we're going to talk and then they take over.
Draco: "You don't have to. It's not like I'm ashamed of you. I just... I don't know. I don't know if I want to share it with everyone else. I'm practically naked in half the pictures I'm in. I'd like... something to be private. But... I guess I didn't have to throw a tanty at the party."
HarryPotter: The tantrum hadn't bothered Harry, he actually thought it was flattering, but it had surprised him. Draco had thrown a glass at that girl! Harry almost wanted to beam. "I'll... see... what I can do, ok? And then you can announce it or let it be discovered when you want," he said, desperately not wanting to take that from Draco.
Draco: "It's... don't worry about it. It's fine. Maybe it will keep the sluts off of you. I'll... just owl them tomorrow and give them some quotes... that you're my boyfriend and all." He grinned and nuzzled Harry's face.
HarryPotter: "Don't worry about the sluts," said Harry, pressing a kiss to Draco's chin.
Draco: "It... it's not that I don't trust you... it's just so upsetting. I can't even stand it that she stood so close to you... and she touched your arm!" he said, obviously highly distraught by even that idea.
HarryPotter: Harry was shocked. He hadn't thought the standing position and arm touching was a big deal, but obviously in Malfoy's book it was. "I know. Just tell me from now on, ok? I didn't know what was wrong with you when you stormed away. I thought you were mad at me."
Draco: It probably wouldn't be to someone who wasn't quite as sheltered as Draco was. To Draco, touch meant a lot. "Next time, I'm taking someone's hand off," he pouted, although it was hard to tell how serious he was.
HarryPotter: Harry thought Draco was teasing. He smiled lopsidedly. "Next time? What about throwing a glass at her. What did she do to you?"
Draco: "She stuck her tongue out at me," he said, as if he hadn't done it to her first. He clung tighter to Harry as if she were there and going to try and steal him away again.
HarryPotter: Harry kissed the top of Draco's head again and started them down the street, squeezing Draco's hand. "You get to take me home, aren't you proud?" he said, feeling giddy.
Draco: "You had to go home with me anyway. You're my bodyguard and the agency won't pay you for not guarding me. Which kind of makes you a whore, really," he said, smirking.
HarryPotter: "I'm not getting paid anymore. So ha!"
Draco: "...what?"
HarryPotter: "I'm not getting paid to be your bodyguard anymore."
Draco: "Why not?"
HarryPotter: Harry shrugged. "I have a meeting with them tomorrow about it. You just kept getting so upset about this whole... contract... being paid deal."
Draco: Draco grinned and stopped Harry to kiss him again, nipping at his bottom lip.
HarryPotter: Harry didn't think he'd admitted something so important. "Mm," he whimpered, letting Draco nip his bottom lip. "I did good?" he asked, not able to use his mouth properly.
Draco: Letting go of Harry's bottom lip, Draco grinned and nodded. "Yes. You did." He walked them up the stairs to his flat and gave the password to get them inside.
HarryPotter: Harry teased, "Following you around is very entertaining, though."
Draco: "Because you like looking at my arse."
HarryPotter: "Well, yeah, but other than that."
Draco: "My life is exciting?" he asked as he pulled his shirt off and flung it into the hamper.
HarryPotter: "It is for me," said Harry as he shrugged out of his jacket. "But I'm boring, remember?"
Draco: "You were boring. But now you have an exciting new boyfriend. It's hard to be boring when you're dating a model, isn't it?" he asked as he pranced out to the kitchen to get some water.
HarryPotter: "My new boyfriend has definitely showed me things I've never seen before."
Draco: "Well, my boyfriend um... showed me um... lots of new things already." He blushed and opened the bottled water and sipped some.
HarryPotter: "Like what?" he asked innocently.
Draco: "I can't!!! Stop that!" Draco turned away and stared at the fridge.
HarryPotter: Harry opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. He touched a shorp path down Draco's stomach. "Can't what?"
Draco: "Oh!" he whimpered at Harry's cold hand stroking down his abdoment. "I can't say..." he whispered, backing up as he pressed his lips together.
HarryPotter: Harry took a sip and nodded. "Ok, ok, I'll stop," he said gravely.
Draco: "Really?" he asked, leaning against the door frame and eyeing Harry suspiciously. "You don't want to touch me again?"
HarryPotter: Harry eyed him back just as suspiciously. "Do you want me to?"
Draco: "I... don't know..." he said, blushing as he looked towards the bedroom.
HarryPotter: Harry noticed where he was looking and he poked him in the arm so he'd look back at him. He wanted to tell Draco that he didn't have to do that. He settled on smiling at him and shrugging as if that explained it all.

Draco: "You're my boyfriend," he said as he finished off his water bottle and wrapped his arms tightly around Harry's neck. He tilted his head up and kissed him again, teasing his tongue over Harry's lips to get him to open his mouth.

HarryPotter: Harry parted his lips and let Draco kiss him, leaning into it and just enjoying it. He slipped his hands under his shirt and pressed his palm against his back, wanting to feel his warm skin. "You are my boyfriend, but that doesn't mean..."

Draco: "Doesn't mean what?" Draco asked, looking lustily into Harry's eyes. He pressed his hips to Harry's tentatively, jumping back at the least provocation.

HarryPotter: Harry wanted to push back against Draco, but he moved away. "Just do what makes you feel comfortable," he answered.

Draco: Draco blushed a little again and moved closer again and pressed his hips against Harry's, looking up at him as if asking if that was all right.

HarryPotter: Harry framed Draco's face again and pushed his hips back against his, leaning to nuzzle their noses together.

Draco: Grasping Harry's hips tighter, Draco did it again, feeling himself hardening again. He didn't know what it was about Harry, but it was only Harry that did this to him.

HarryPotter: Harry inhaled sharply and, forcing himself to remain patient and not rush, he just scattered kisses over Draco's face. "Mmmhmmmmmm," he encouraged.

Draco: Draco started pulling Harry back towards the bedroom, still pushing against him. He gasped for air as he moved backwards.

HarryPotter: Harry threaded his fingers through Draco's hair and slanted his mouth over his. With his free hand, he fumbled through the door and let them into Draco's room.

Draco: Draco fell back against the bed, pulling Harry on top of him and immediately squirmed to the side to rub against him more as he toed off his shoes.
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