RP: The next morning

Sep 06, 2005 16:25


"I know how to cook," supplied Harry before he could censor it.  He
sighed inwardly.  He really needed to do some work today; although,
the only communication with Ron and Hermione he'd had was the day
before and it was only a cryptic letter.  Surely if something
important came up someone would stop by.  If not?  What the problem
with just being normal for the day?  No dramatic rescue scenes, mother
issues, or best friend awkwardness.  He took a moment to convince
himself and then asked, "Do you like breakfast food?"

"You do?" Draco was surprised that Harry would know how to cook. Then
again, he rationalized, he did grow up with Muggles. He didn't know
the extent of that, of course, because it was kept very quiet. "Sure,
I like eggs and waffles," he said as he slipped his hand off of
Harry's cock and brought his hand up to his mouth. He playfully licked
at his hand. "Although I might be spoiling my appetite." He bit his
lip and grinned at Harry, blushing slightly at his boldness now. "Do
you want to show me how to do it?"

Harry wasn't really listening to Draco; at least, not anything he said
after he started licking come off his delectable little fingers.  At
Draco's stare, Harry shook himself and cleared his throat, feeling his
cheeks turn pink.  "Careful.  Too much of that stuff and you may start
to act like a Gryffindor," he teased.  "I could show you how, I guess.
 I really only know how to cook with Muggle appliances and… stuff, but
I'm sure it can't be too difficult."  He grabbed his wand and charmed
them clean, not leaving Draco the opportunity to distract him so
sexily again.

Draco gave him a little pout as the come was charmed from his hand,
but blushed a little at how naughty he'd been. "Yes, I'm sure you'd
hate for me to be more Gryffindor. I might start demanding to go along
with you on your little missions." He stretched as Harry rolled off of
him and yawned again, loving the idea of getting Harry to himself for
a little while. He sat up and felt the stuffed toy in his pocket and
looked a little paranoid for a moment. "I should have a shower," he
said as he hopped up and headed for the bathroom.

Harry was reaching for his trousers when Draco hopped up and headed
for the bathroom.  "Shower?" he repeated as if the idea was foreign to
him.  The paranoid look didn't go escaped, but he didn't make a
connection.  "Ok.  Is that an initiation?" he sassed, stepping into
his dingy sweatpants and pulling them up.  "Or are you just teasing me
mercilessly?  I prefer the first option, but…"  I thought you wanted
to learn to cook?  It didn't really matter, he supposed.  He was just
apt to spend the day with him.

"Initiation?" he asked, taking the small fluff out of his pocket and
throwing it into a drawer really quickly. "Sorry, Lolly," he whispered
as he sho the drawer. "How would I be teasing you? Didn't we just..."
he said, gesturing to the bed. He leaned over after stepping out of
his pyjama pants and turned the spigots, unaware of the view he was
giving Harry as he was bent over and testing the water. "Don't you
usually shower in the morning?"

Harry caught the whispering and furrowed his brows.  He opened his
mouth, fully intending to tell Draco he bathed under a shower faucet,
but… was Draco talking to whatever he dropped in the drawer?  Mummy?
Dolly?  What?  Harry shook himself and opened his mouth again to ask
what Draco was talking to, but then Draco was bent over and Harry
wasn't sure if he could form coherent speech.  His mouth hung open,
long enough for Draco to be suspicious, and when Harry realized that
he was blatantly gawking he looked away, blushing furious.  "Are you
talking to something in that drawer?" he asked, leaning against the
doorway of the bathroom.

Draco turned around and furrowed his brows at Harry, not sure what
he'd be looking at. He looked back over his shoulder as if he could
see if there was something on his back. "What?" he asked, blushing
furiously. "Why would I talk to something in the drawer? Don't be
daft, Potter. People don't talk to drawers," he snapped. Deciding that
there wasn't anything weird on his back, he shrugged and stepped into
the shower. He wasn't shy about letting Harry watch him shower, he
sudsed up his hair and let the water roll down his pale body trying to
think of what to say if Harry pushed the drawer matter.

"Well," said Harry conversationally, crossing his arms over his chest.
 "People may not talk to drawers, Malfoy, but you've never exactly
been ordinary."  He kept his eyes firmly fixed on the wall.  One day,
he vowed, he would get used to seeing Draco naked and then he wouldn't
blush so much or stare.  "And I heard you talking to it.  Couldn't
really call it a conversation, because you didn't really have time.  I
won't push the issue since it will obviously make me look daft."  He
risked a glance in the shower and swallowed, now determined not to
look away.

Draco paled, but concealed it by rinsing his hair. He bit his bottom
lip, not sure what to say about talking to the drawer. He grabbed a
scrubby and poured some of his soap onto it and started to caress it
over his body. It was awfully quiet, he figured Harry was waiting for
a response, but when he looked up, the other boy was leering at him
again. He blushed, but slowed his movements down, scrubbing lightly
over his chest and then up over his neck. Then he turned around,
remembering Harry seemed to be staring at his arse and stuck it out a
little, "Can you scrub my back?"

It is perfectly normal to find boys attractive-well, this one boy.
And it's perfectly normal to find your BOYFRIEND attractive.  Am I
supposed to get this stupid when he gets naked?  Yes, my cock is
supposed to do that twitching thing…  He cleared his throat and
blushed that Draco caught him staring.  Again.  He collected himself
before replying.  "That doesn't look like your back you're sticking
out for me," he said, not even realizing how perverted that sounded.
He did, however, go over and take the scrubby from Draco and start
washing his back.  He seemed to have temporarily forgotten about Draco
talking to the furniture.  He soaped his back up and then traced his
name over it with his suds-free hand.

It was really fun to watch Harry staring at him like that. It
definitely caused his prick to twitch again, which surprised Draco a
bit. Not that he thought too much about being attracted to Harry, but
to get aroused again so fast... he supposed he hadn't really been
particularly excited by anyone before. He blushed brightly at Harry's
wrods. "I... was just..." he got quiet and leaned against the tile
wall as Harry scrubbed his back. It felt really nice. He whimpered
quietly and then moved to rinse off, his eyes closed. "Towel," he
said, keeping his back to Harry so he wouldn't see that just being
scrubbed on had started to make him hard again.

Now that Harry's curiosity was sparked, he wanted to see the whole
package.  It was his to look at, after all.  At least, this was
Harry's way of thinking at the present moment.  All the blood hadn't
circulated back to his bigger head.  He grabbed the towel off the rack
and stepped back, making it so Draco would have to turn around and
step into the towel.  This time he didn't even try to hide how he was
looking at him.  When he spoke his voice was lower, like the
anticipation somehow controlled the tone of his voice, "Come here.
Don't be shy."

Draco looked suddenly shy. it was one thing to prance around naked on
his own, quite another to be looked at like Harry was looking at him.
He blushed profusely, but it would be stupid to just stand there.
Feeling exposed, he turned around slowly, his hands half shielding his
now fully awakened erection. But he had to move his hands to take the
towel from Harry. He parted his hands and let Harry look at him,
turning his blushing face down, his blond hair hanging over his face
in wet tendrils.

Harry was having very inappropriate thoughts, thoughts that should be
making him stutter and run away, but his feet were planted firmly to
the spot.  He wasn't gawking at Draco in his innocent way anymore;
this stare was different, more intense.  He shouldn't be thinking this
way; better yet, he should be ashamed of thinking this way.  But, he
wasn't.  Not at all.  He kept thinking about Draco's arse while he was
bent over, his hair falling ingenuously into his face, his cock and
how har-Harry stepped closer and wrapped the towel around him and
leaned in to smell his shampoo on his dripping hair.  "You really are

Draco pressed himself against Harry and into the towel when it was
wrapped around him. Working his arms out of the towel, he wrapped them
tightly around Harry. He was incredibly turned on by the way that
Harry looked at him, although it made him feel a little unsettled. He
snuggled tighter against him, holding him tightly, his heart racing as
he hid his face against Harry's neck. "Do you really think so?" he
asked quietly. He could feel his prick poking his stomach and he
squirmed a bit as he felt Harry's prodding back at him. "We're never
going to get breakfast made at this rate."

They really should just stop.  Harry really wanted to have conversation and get to know Draco.  Out of bed.  They only knew the basics about one another.  And Harry wanted to know more than the basics now.  "I really think so," he whispered and then pressed a kiss to his temple.  He tightened his arms around him, like they were both going to vanish and never see each other again.  "Let's go… let's go make breakfast.  And talk.  And have conversation."  He stilled when he felt Draco's erection pressing back against his.  "Or…" he said quietly, then swallowed.  "We could…" he trailed off suggestively.  The male parts of his brain not really letting him totally reject the idea of physical intimacy.  "It's your call."

"Well, it wouldn't take terribly long... " Draco started, but then he instantly felt guilty for it. He didn't want his entire relationship with Harry to be about sex. He started to pull back but saw that look in Harry's eyes and shuddered, trying his face away immediately. His breathing accelerated as they nudged together again and he grabbed Harry's face with both hands and kissed him again, tilting his head to the side o deepen it as he let go of the towel entirely. Breaking the kiss, he whispered, "You were looking at me... my back... what were you thinking?"

Question answered.  And Harry wasn't complaining.  He made a purring noise that slipped up his throat and into Draco's mouth and he leaned in to kiss him again, cutting off the end of his sentence.  Part of him felt guilty for what he'd thought about Draco's ass.  Was… that normal?  He supposed if he was thinking, he wasn't the first to have thought and surely someone else had done it.  "I was thinking…" he murmured.  Things that would probably make you slap me.  "About… what… a nice ass you have."  Ok, that sounded lame even to himself.  He looked down and pressed his forehead to Draco's.  He really didn't want to bring up sex.  That would look like sex was all he wanted.  Draco's cock jabbed his stomach again and he inhaled sharply.  I will not thinking about sex or any of that other stuff-is that even sex?-and I will try not to feel Draco's cock poking my stomach.  This sounded all well and good while he was thinking it, but reality was a different story.  "I'm not sure you want to know what I was thinking."

"Do I have a nice ass?" he asked Harry, sliding his hands over his chest and then down into the front of his sweatpants. He slid his fingers lightly over Harry's hard cock. He liked the idea of Harry admiring his ass, it was a bit naughty, asses didn't really do much other than, well... that. It was like Harry found the dirtiest part of him so attractive and it made his cock twitch again. He kissed along Harry's jaw and then over his neck, sucking and nipping as he went. "I want to know what you were thinking, Harry. Tell me... and I'll... suck your cock," he whispered into his ear, wanting to hear more about how sexy Harry thought his arse was.

Tired of fighting with himself, Harry succumbed.  Hearing Draco say he wanted to suck his cock helped, though.  Harry tilted his head back so Draco could nip and suck at his neck all he wanted and then he slid his hands down his back, stopping just above his ass.  "I…"  I can't even say it.  "I was thinking about…"  There was no phrase that could reflect what Harry had been thinking and do it… eloquently.  His face burned with blush.  He turned his face and kissed Draco's neck and let his hands slip lower.  "Iwasthinkingaboutwhatyoufeellikeontheinside," he blurted out quickly as if that would lessen the blow.  He pushed his face into Draco's neck, unable to look in his eyes.  Merlin, this makes me a FREAK now or something!  Did I just say that?  Oh, fuck.

"You know what I feel like on the inside," he whispered, grinning as he kissed over the side of Harry's face. He wasn't sure why Harry was thinking about blowjobs while he was looking at his arse, but he thought it was sweet that he'd think about sex. "Now you get your reward," he whispered, kissing over the blushing face and then down his abdomen. He dragged his tongue along his skin, loving the salty taste of his perspiration and the texture of the gooseflesh as it rose while his hand pushed his sweatpants off of his hips. He nuzzled his face against Harry's cock and then he just paused to look at it. One hand at the base with the other fondling his scrotum, he opened his mouth and stretched out his tongue to tease it over the tip of his cock and then gently started to suckle him.

Harry, steadily losing ability to think clearly, furrowed his brows and looked down at Draco, panting through his open mouth.  He was about to point out that they had a slight miscommunication, but then Draco's warm mouth was enveloping his cock.  And… well, it wasn't that big of a deal.  Was it?  "Oooh," he moaned, leaning back against the wall and grabbing the sink so he didn't topple over.  Later, he would realize this was a good thing.  Since obviously now he didn't have to attempt to being a total pervert.  He tilted his head back and it made a banging noise when it hit the wall.  "That feels… mmm," he encouraged, holding his hips still and threading his fingers through Draco's hair.

Pushing his face down as far on Harry's cock as he could manage, Draco lashed his tongue around his cock and gently stroked and petted his scrotum. His fingers made up the difference between how far he got his mouth around Harry's prick and the base. He wasn't sure about his gag reflex just yet, but he did like having Harry in his mouth, he liked tasting him, feeling the soft skin and the urgent noises Harry made. He looked up at him as best he could as he started to bob his head and work his fingers over his cock. He paused for a moment and then whispered, "I want you to umm... when you umm... come... in umm... do it in my mouth?" He blushed and closed his eyes and went back to sucking hoping Harry didn't call him an insane pervert.

The idea made Harry shudder against the wall and clutch the sink tighter.  He rubbed the pads of his fingers into Draco's scalp, but didn't influence his movements at all.  Maybe he wasn't the only one giving these "odd" things more thought.  His face turned a deeper shade of red, partially from arousal and partially from bashfulness.  He moved his hips back and forth subtly, whimpering and moaning at the fingers massaging him and the mouth surrounding him.  It took him a minute longer, given they'd just jerked each off, but he could feel his orgasm building.  His glasses fogged up and his breathing became more erratic before he finally whispered "close, now...coming now…" in warning.

Draco was unprepared, in spite of the fact that he knew what was coming. He just had no idea how fast it would fill his mouth. He started to swallow as fast as he could, but it was no good against what was coming and it started to drool out of his mouth. He sputtered a bit and looked helplessly up at Harry, whose eyes were closed in bliss as he finished out his orgasm. Draco tried to keep quiet with his coughing, but it was no good, he was overwhelmed, as much as he tried not to be. His eyes watered and he blushed brightly, trying to wipe his mouth off to keep Harry from seeing what a mess he had made. "Sorry... sorry..." he whispered.
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