RP: The Third Night, continued

Sep 06, 2005 16:23

Harry kept bobbing his head, noticing that Draco seemed to really like that.  Just as he was setting into a rhythm, Draco pulled away and Harry watched in awe as he came over his thigh.  He'd never actually seen it come out of there before, only felt it on his hand.  He dabbed his finger in the white secretions, feeling his cock twist against his trousers, and lifted it to his mouth.  It licked the tip of his finger and grinned at Draco's flushed face.  "You like that," he purred, leaning in to kiss and nip at his jaw line.  Was kissing ok now?  He wasn't sure if Draco would want to kiss after he'd had his cock in his mouth.    His fingers moved over Draco's waning length, knowing he personally liked the slight too good feeling.  He said, as though in disbelief, "I just had your cock in my mouth."

Draco whimpered quietly at the feel of Harry's hand on his drained prick. He was nudging Harry's face up so that he could kiss him when Harry spoke, I just had your cock in my mouth. Blushing madly, Draco lowered his head in shame and looked down at Harry's hand on his cock. He bit his bottom lip and reached for Harry's pants, fussily undoing his belt and the button of his trousers. "I'm sorry. Did you not want it in your mouth?" Of course, he realized that Harry was the one who put it there, but he suddenly felt dirty about it. "You don't have to do it again if you don't want to... it felt.. really good, though. But it's... I don't want to make you... do it if you don't like it," he whispered, fishing Harry's cock out of his boxers. He stroked it slowly, tracing the fingertips over the veins and ridges.

Harry wriggled out of his jeans and boxers and kicked them aside, biting his bottom lip when Draco's fingers curled around his cock.  "I put it in my mouth," he whispered, falling back against the bed.  He tilted his head to the side and pressed his cheek to his shoulder, looking down at what those fingers were doing to him.  His raven hair nearly blended in with the new dark pillowcases.  "Did you like it?"  That seemed like a stupid question, especially when Draco said that it felt really good.  He smiled at him, moving under his fingers as if asking for more attention.  "I didn't mind it.  It was… it made my jaw hurt… but I liked the way you…" moved and sounded.  "I'm… going to do it again, not right now, obviously…" he prattled, suddenly nervous.  He swallowed and kept watching Draco's fingers.

Shifting onto his side when Harry laid down on the bed, he stretched one leg over Harry as he leaned in to get better leverage to pull at him. "You didn't taste so bad.. last night... when I liked you." He kissed the side of Harry's face and then the corner of his mouth as he edged himself close enough to kiss him. He teased at Harry's lips. He wasn't really sure if he tasted himself or not, there was something slightly more salty in the taste of Harry's mouth, but other than that, it was the same. He kissed down over his throat as his fingers continued to tease Harry's length. "I want to lick at it again," he whispered as if asking permission, although he pushed down Harry's body so fast, he didn't wait for a response. He traced the flat of his tongue from the base of his shaft, up to the tip of his prick, and he lingered his tongue over the slit, teasing out and tasting the precome.

Harry watched and began to pant as Draco started down his body.  He stretched out, spreading his legs so Draco could get between them.  His heart started to pound harder against his sternum and he felt his stomach somersault.  Draco was about to lick him again?  He remembered what that had felt like and whimpered.  His eyes glazed over with desire, framed by his dark lashes.  "Oh!" he squeaked when the real thing happened.  He fisted his hands in the sheets and pushed up on his elbows, watching to watch every bit of it.  His stomach rose and fell with his erratic breathing and instinctively he pulled his legs up and apart more.  Blush started to work its way down his neck and chest.  He watched Draco's tongue wiggling across his slit and jerked his hips slightly.  "Don't stoooooop," he whined, undulating under him.

Draco blushed at the reaction this was eliciting from Harry, but it urged him on. He continued to sweep his tongue around the head of Harry's cock. Remembering how unsettling Harry's teeth on his cock was, he covered them with his lips. At first he only brought the head of Harry's prick into his mouth. His fingers made up the difference, he slowly massaged the shaft as he flicked his tongue around him, sucking a bit, not sure how hard to suck. He looked down at the dark pubic hair and the scrotum hanging low. His eyes darted over Harry's spread legs and then up his body to meet Harry's eyes as he started to bob his head, taking him in a little deeper.

Harry dropped back against the bed, unable to hold himself up any longer, and arched his back.  He'd never felt anything so warm and… soft before.  He just lay there and enjoyed it, wanting to savor it forever.  He kept his hips carefully still, not wanting to choke Draco or gag him.  His lips parted and he started to breathe heavily through them, making them dry.  He whispered shakily, "That feels… so… so…"  But he went quiet, already feeling his body start to tighten up and grow tingly.  Little quiet, desperate whimpers started coming out as he rocked back against him momentarily.  As much as he wanted to enjoy this, he couldn't hold it any longer.  "Stop!" he cried, pushing Draco away as he started come, shielding it with his palm so it wouldn't get all over them.

Draco's jaw was starting to get sore, but he was rather enjoying the noises Harry was making and the small movements. He was a little surprised when Harry pushed him away, but when he saw Harry coming, he realized why. He'd gotten a little lost in sucking him, enjoying it much more than he thought he would. Tilting his head to the side, he watched Harry coming on his hand and he continued to pump his hand over the expelling prick until it stopped. Then he slowed his hand down and then leaned in to slide his tongue through the white mess, tasting him curiously. He made a face. It was a bit weird tasting, but not altogether the worst thing. Seeing the look on Harry's face at what he was doing, he blushed brightly and froze.

Harry's eyes widened as Draco licked his leavings.  His heart slammed and he smiled at Draco's blush.  "Did you like it… ?" he asked quietly, leaning down and closer to Draco as if someone could hear them.  He reached over and blindly groped for his wand.  "What did it taste like?"  He'd tasted Draco, but he was curious about what he tasted like.  He would have tried it, but… that seemed too weird.  Flourishing his wand, he charmed all of their mess away and then grabbed his blanket.  "Do I taste weird?  Do I taste different from you?  Is it bad?  Are you going to do it again?" he asked quickly, pulling Draco insistently against him so he could snuggle with him.  He fussed with the blankets and giggled boyishly, obviously afterglowy.

"A little like Hollandaise sauce that's gone a little bad," Draco answered. He raised his brows at Harry's next question as he wriggled up closer to him. "I don't know what I taste like, Harry. I never tried... that," he said, blushing brightly as he rested his head against Harry's shoulder to look up into his eyes. "I'll do it again if you want me to." He bit his bottom lip, trying not to giggle at how excited Harry seemed to be about it. "You liked it a lot, didn't you? I guess it made my jaw a little achy, too. I just... I liked the noises you were making and how much you enjoyed it, and I guess... I liked doing the sucking, too." He grinned and nuzzled the side of his face.

Harry turned his head and kissed Draco's temple.  An odd feeling jabbed in his chest and it made him giggle again.  Unbeknownst to him, he was falling head over heels in love.  And doing so very quickly.  He snaked his arms around Draco's neck and looked up at him adoringly, eyes still sparkling.  He blushed that Draco had paid so much attention to him, but what had he expected?  He'd paid just as much attention to the noises Draco had made, and the way he moved and breathed.  And he'd enjoyed the sucking.   He'd liked that he was the only making Draco move and sound that way.  "I liked it," he answered, nodding at him. "You liked the sucking, too?  I liked it because…err," he trailed off and blushed, not able to say exactly why he liked the sucking out loud.

Draco grinned and nodded. "I liked it because it was you." He pressed his forehead against Harry's, grinning at his blush. He pressed kisses over his face as he rolled over on top of him. His pale hair cascaded over Harry's face. He leaned down and pressed his lips against Harry's, sliding his tongue over his lips till they pried open. Then he teased his tongue against Harry's as he rubbed his bottom lip against his. He loved kissing Harry, and he loved being with him, the warmth of their bodies together and just snuggling him... being with him like this was so blissful. He was very much falling for Harry.

Harry framed Draco's face and kissed him back tenderly.  I liked it because it was you.  Harry knew he formed attachments to people quickly, but he really didn't see how deep this one was going.  He'd never felt anything like this; instead of questioning it, he just enjoyed it, got swept up in it.  He broke the kiss and licked over Draco's lips, tasting their salty, warm tastes again.  "Mmm.  I like snuggling with you," he whispered, shifting under Draco so their skin rubbed together.  He rubbed his fingers into the nape of his neck and kissed over his face again, feeling like this was almost redundant, but he still couldn't stop himself.  He paid special attention to his eyelids, liking how soft they were.

Draco kept his eyes closed and yawned softly. It all felt so good, it was lulling him to sleep after the long day and just how excited he'd been over having his cock sucked and then sucking Harry's in return. He'd been thrilled by it, and now he was just spent and exhausted. "Mmm... sleepy..." he whined  as he tilted his head to the side and rested it on Harry's shoulder. He flattened himself against Harry, laying atop him and pressing all of his weight against him shamelessly.

Harry pulled the blankets up around them higher.  He wasn't usually sleepy when Draco dozed off, but this time he was.  After the business and now the physical exhaustion… he let Draco bury his face into his neck and went lax under him, letting all of Draco's weight force him harder into the bed.  He liked it, though.  It felt like he was anchored there, like no nightmares would get to him.  "You're always sleepy," he said drowsily, closing his eyes.  His lids felt heavy.  He used his wand one last time, only to close and seal the door shut in case Ron and Hermione showed up while they were sleeping.  He wasn't ashamed, but he didn't want them to see them naked, either.

Snuggled in against Harry, it didn't take him long to doze off. He held him tightly, relieved about his mother although concerned about his house. But even if everything inside of it was ransacked, it was his home. He'd still have it. Right now, he was just happy to be with Harry.
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