rp: a date

Jul 16, 2005 04:47

with unbridled_angst

Draco awoke slowly, finding himself clinging onto Harry, legs entwined and arms wrapped around him. He found Harry clinging back to him just as tightly. He breathed a sigh and tried to think of when they'd gone to sleep. It couldn't have been much later than 8. They even skipped dinner. He rolled over lazily to look at the clock. It was now 7. Eleven hours? He'd slept eleven hours not in a week but in... one night? Not even a nightmare that he could recall. He nudged his nose against Harry's chin trying to wake him. But he was out still. He looked over the gaunt, but still handsome face and chanced a quick kiss and then immediately felt guilty for it. So he determined to rouse him. He tried to pull out of his grip so that Harry wouldn't be uncomfortable, but the strong arms clutched him tighter. Draco smiled. "Harry... Harry Potter... you have to wake uh-up," he sang playfully.

Harry made a sleepy sound of protest when he felt Draco start to try
to squirm away and his arms tightened drastically around him. "Stop
moving," he whispered hoarsely, clinging desperately to how good it
felt to actually be asleep. He didn't open his eyes to look at the
clock, but he knew that they needed to get up and get ready for work.
How fun. So much more fun than *sleeping*. He'd have to lure Draco
into bed with him more often. He slept very good for the first time
in a long time. A smile curved the line of his mouth when Draco
practically sang to him and he slowly opened his eyes, thankful that
the room was mostly dark. Draco smiling was contagious. "How'd you-"
he stopped to yawn, turning his head away. Morning breath. "How'd
you sleep?" he finished, not letting him go right away.

Draco complied and stopped moving and traced his fingers up and down Harry's back, keeping his mouth closed, but exhaling a sigh through his nose. He didn't want to get up either. He would've been completely content to stay in bed all day, but the Ministry didn't pay him to lounge in bed with his... partner. He frowned at what a bad idea this probably was. But whatever, he didn't tell them to put two damaged gay men in a partnership. Although somewhere in the back of his mind, he thought Kingsley did this on purpose. He definitely owed that man a lot. Seeing the vague shadow of Harry's upturned lips, he kissed the corner of them. "I slept great. 11 hours. It's a good week if I can sleep that much sum total. I want to stay, but I have to go to the Cauldron and change. I can't show up in your clothes. Or yesterday's clothes," he said, smirking. "Plus... I need to pack," he added. Right, and after reducing it, everything I own will fit in my pocket.

Harry grinned when he felt Draco kiss the corner of his mouth. This probably was a bad idea, but Harry didn't much care. Right, it wasn't his fault that they paired up damaged men that shared the same sexual preference. He hadn't put together that Shacklebolt may have had ulterior motives yet. He reached up and touched the back of Draco's head, playing his fingers through his silky hair before he stretched, lifting his back off the bed and making a contented noise. "Eleven hours," he said wistfully. He went limp against the bed and leaned back to look at Draco, almost smirking back at him. "Hmm, what would they say? We'd be the latest gossip," he teased, giving him a longing look and then sitting up. He would like to stay in bed and sleep and snuggle all day, too, but that wasn't really an option. He sat up and squinted. Shopping. Right. He was going to go shopping for Draco some clothes. "I have… to shower…" he said, smelling himself for the first time. "I stink. I don't want to get out of bed," he said in a pouty voice.

Draco likewise sat up and stretched out like a cat. The thin tshirt slid up his belly and he reached down to rub his tummy as he tilted his head one way and then the other, his joints cracking. "I'll shower at the Cauldron. No sense in cleaning up here and then putting on dirty clothes, really." He sighed and then fondly touched Harry's face. "I think we're already the gossip, just not like this," he said winking. He rolled out of the bed, already halfway plotting on how to get back into it that night. He was sure he could come up with an excuse by bedtime. He walked to Harry's side of the bed and as the other man stood, he slid his arms around him again. It was stupid, but he was somehow afraid that when he left the room, everything would change again and he'd be alone. He nuzzled his face and kissed his forehead. "I'll see you at work then?"

Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's waist. "Mmhmm, you will," he said, pressing a kiss to his forehead in response and ducking away. He didn't want to turn Draco away with his morning breath that probably reeked of alcohol. It wasn't until after Draco left that he realized he hadn't given him the spare key. He was a little late for work, because the hot shower water felt good. He put the key in the file and closed it and then gave it to Draco. The day passed very quietly. He didn't look up from his desk much, not only because he was blushy about the night before, but they really had to concentrate. When lunch rolled around, Harry slipped out alone and went to the robe shop. The lady seemed almost amused with him, since he'd slipped up and mentioned who he was shopping for. He insisted it was for his grave, which sounded plain ignorant. She went along with it and when by the time he paid and left there wasn't much left in the store to buy. He had hats, trousers, robes, shirts… he'd just bought more clothes than Malfoy'd probably ever wear. He took them home and put them all up in Malfoy's room. The rest of the day was spent even more blushy than before. Finally, it was late and they went home. He opened the door and let Draco in. "Did you bring your things back and put them up?" he asked, trying to push him into the room.

Draco had spent the day mostly not looking at Harry, because if he did, he'd want to snuggle, and snuggling at work was so not on. He did nudge his foot a couple of times and grinned at how Harry blushed. Taking lunch with Kingsley, he deftly avoided questions but did inform him that he was moving in with Harry and that he no longer needed Kingsley to pay for his place at the Cauldron. This announcement was met with a knowing look and a smile, which managed to make Draco blush more than he had all day. He grinned at the key to the flat and pocketed it and at the end of the day followed Harry home. "I didn't put them up, they're right here," he said, pulling the small box he'd reduced his belongings into. It was his trunk from Hogwarts. "Fortunately, I'm a light packer," he joked as he headed into his room. He tossed the box at the foot of his bed and ended the enchantment. He knelt down and popped open the trunk and started to pull the clothes out to hang up when he opened the door to his wardrobe. He gasped when he saw all of the clothing. He had no idea Harry had so much wizarding wear. "Oh... did you... want me to use another wardrobe?" he asked. He couldn't help himself. He grabbed a silvery silk tunic and slid his fingers over the brocade and sighed wistfully. Maybe Harry would let him borrow it. He closed his eyes and nuzzled the sleeve.

Harry followed Draco into the room and leaned against the doorframe. He crossed his arms over his chest and watched him digging through his trunk. His lips parted in surprise when Draco asked if he should use another wardrobe. He obviously thought that all those clothes were Harry's. The way Draco grabbed the shirt and started touching it made him grin lopsidedly. "No, that's your wardrobe," he said, nodding at it. "That's your shirt you're holding…" Was he going to have to come out and say he bought them? He really wanted it to be a surprise. "I heard your favorite colors were grey and…" he tilted his head to the side. "My clothes barely fill up my closet." "Do you like them? There are hats and shoes and… all kinds of other stuff in the bottom of the closet and the dresser."

"My wardrobe?" he asked, at first really not registering it. He was about to tell Harry that he should get his clothes out of his wardrobe so he could put his clothing in it when Harry told him that it was his shirt. "My shirt?" he asked as he looked up at it in amazement. He looked at Harry and then back at the shirt and pulled it down. "I... these are for me?" he asked, his brows up and his grey eyes wide. He swallowed a few times as he felt his eyes prickling wetly. "Hats?" he croaked out as he got on his tiptoes to see the hatboxes along the top. He squatted down to see the row of shoes. "For me?" he asked again, clutching the shirt against his chest like a small child with a teddy bear. "You... bought me clothes?" he asked again as he slid his fingers over the fabric again. Stepping into the wardrobe, he slid one hand over the different garments. The cloaks, the shirts, the row of trousers all lined up neatly for him. "You have... surprisingly good taste," he said as he grabbed a fuzzy hat from the top rack and pulled it on and grinned brilliantly. He sniffed, looking somewhere between squealing and crying and lunged at Harry, wrapping his arms around him, squeaking, "Clothes! You bought me clothes!"

Harry watched him go from confused, shocked, and then finally surprised. He smiled sheepishly that Draco was so happy about the clothes. It felt oddly good to make him happy like this. "I have excellent taste," said Harry, taking all the credit for the coordination as Draco leapt into his arms. He squeezed him impossibly tight and kissed the top of his head. "I'm glad you like them," you just seemed so sad about clothes… He couldn't help but grin at the fuzzy hat. She said you liked fuzzy hats. "Did I buy too many?" That seemed unlikely. Likely, Draco would say he hadn't bought enough.

"Oh no, no... not at all," he said as he snuggled tightly against Harry, tickling him with his fuzzy hat until it fell off. He looked down at it and then leapt for it, holding it up off of the floor and examined it to make sure it wasn't damaged. "You know, I look rather good in brown and purple as well," he pointed out as he retreated back into the closet, snatching down items in what seemed almost a random order. He quickly shrugged out of his clothing and let it drop to the floor, not showing the modesty he had the night before until he twisted his forearm away from Harry's view. It was habitual to try and keep his arm turned towards himself; he'd been doing it for years. He was completely naked for a few moments as he tried to sort out what he wanted to wear. Scars were fading on his back, scars he'd for the moment, forgotten about as he turned his back on Harry to pull down more clothes. He changed into sky blue robes that made him appear angelic and turned around to prance around the room.

Draco wanted more clothes. Harry smirked, but bit the inside of his lip to make it fade. He watched him prance around to get dressed, feeling his stomach do a somersault at how gloomy he wasn't at the moment. Draco was naked, but Harry wasn't looking at that, and he wasn't looking at the Dark Mark. He was staring at the scars on his back. They made him shift uncomfortably, not because he thought they were ugly or offensive. They reminded him that he had scars, too. He fingered his thigh absently. When Draco started to prance around again, Harry said, "You look really good in blue." He flopped down on the bed, figuring Draco wanted to put all the clothes on and look at them. "How did lunch with Kings go?" he asked, figuring conversation while Draco was trying on his new clothes was good. Plus, Shacklebolt had been giving him this really self-satisfied grin since after lunch. He was curious what they talked about.

Draco twirled in front of the mirror, admiring himself from all angles. He flitted his hair back and then tossed it forward and played with his hat. Then he turned to put on the green outfit, bouncing around and occasionally even letting out a girlish squeak that would make him blush and turn away. He pranced out again. "Oh, lunch went fine. I told him he didn't need to pay for the place at the Cauldron anymore, that I was moving in with you. He seemed pleased enough with that. I don't think I'll have to wear that dreadful cloak anymore. Do you think that cloak makes me look like Macmillan?" he asked, spinning around in the brilliantly green Asian-inspired frock. "Anyway, he seemed happy about it. Oh! That hat would go great with this!" he said as he bounded back into the wardrobe. When he was inside, he realized Harry had complimented him and poked his head out. "You know what else I look good in? Red!"

So… that's why they were made partners. Harry had to hand it to Shacklebolt. He definitely wasn't complaining. Anymore. "Macmillan?" He furrowed his brows. "No. It made you look…" really unlike yourself? He assumed Draco was talking about the cloak that changed his appearance. He didn't know what to say. "You're pr-errr… you look better as yourself? I don't think you look like Macmillan. Why?" He turned his face into the pillow to hide his grin that Draco looked good in red. "Slow down," he said as Draco bounded back out of the wardrobe. "You'll have plenty of time to wear all those clothes. I got you some pajamas, too. Not many. You seemed very dissatisfied with wearing mine." His stomach flipped again and he adverted his eyes. Originally, he hadn't thought buying Draco clothes was that intimate, but now he did. Maybe it was because they were in the same room while he was trying them on. He wasn't compelled to leave, though. His thoughts had strayed to less than noble in the shop, but he was trying not to think that way now. That just seemed to complicate things. It scared him a little, too. He hadn't even thought about sex in months.

"Pyjamas too?" he asked as he bounded back out in something red, as if to prove that he could also wear red. "Some people say blonds look tacky in red, and I guess a lot of them do. But I don't," he insisted as he fled to the dresser and pulled the drawer open to peer down into it. He grinned at the silk pyjamas and quickly started to fling clothing off again to slip into the night clothes, grinning madly, his eyes sparkling. "Seems a shame to wear such fine night clothing on a bed whose sheets aren't quite as nice," he said as he wriggled up to Harry and wrapped his arms around him in the bed. He entwined their legs again, putting them in a very similar position that they'd been in that morning and then he kissed all over his face after removing his glasses. "Did you buy me pants, too, P- Harry?" he asked, trying out the first name and blushing a bit for his boldness.

"Do you want me to buy you a bedroom suit, is that what you're getting at?" he teased, happy when Draco curled up with him. He rolled onto his side and wrapped his arms around him, content to just be held now. He kissed over his forehead as if that was the most natural thing in the world and it was going to be. "Pants? Yes," he said and blushed brightly. He totally ignored his blush. "You don't have to wear them if you don't like them!" he insisted quickly. The underwear had probably been what induced naughty thoughts. He'd stood there, looking at the selection, trying to imagine Malfoy in them. Finally, he decided on briefs. But, they were in the men's section! They were manly. "I just… uh… thought you might need some?" Now, that was intimate. Buying someone else underwear. He just assumed Draco would need some of that, too. He clutched him a little tighter. "They're not boxers," he warned. "Draco," he added meaningfully.

Smiling enigmatically, Draco didn't answer about wanting new bedclothes. He figured he'd spoken his piece. "Not boxers? You didn't buy me those ugly y-fronts, did you?" he asked, tempted to squirm away and look, but entirely too comfortable to do that just yet. But then Harry was blushing a bit and stuttering. His brow lifted as he wondered just what in the world would cause Harry to stutter on about how he might not want to wear them. "Are you suggesting I go to work pantsless?" he asked, smirking at how much more that made Harry blush. "Alright, I really have to see these, now." He rolled out of Harry's arms and went through the drawers until he found the one with the briefs. He took them out and blushed at how... girly... they were. "You want to see me in these, Harry?" he asked, holding them up with his fingers in the leg holes. They were very soft and looked quite expensive, actually. Naturally, Draco liked them, but they did seem a bit... naughty. "Do you want me to put them on?"

"No, wait!" squeaked Harry, grabbing for Draco a second too late. He was already up and digging through the drawers. Harry wanted to climb under the blankets and let the bed linens swallow him entirely. This was supposed to be one of those things they didn't talk about until Harry was… peeling them off. If he ever got that lucky. He cracked one eye open to look at the way Draco was eyeing the briefs. What had possessed him to buy those, anyway? He cleared his throat, face burning with his embarrassment. "I… uh…" Well, this was an awkward topic. Honesty was the best policy, right? Yes, actually, I do want to see you in them. Take your shirt off, too Yeah, right. As if he'd say that out loud. "Umm, sure. You can… put them on… if you want," he stuttered, but he pulled his face out of the pillow.

Draco blushed, not sure if that's really what Harry wanted. No, he probably just bought them because they were expensive and Draco was reading too much into it. "It's all right. Probably best that I don't. Pants under silk give you panty lines," he teased, trying to conceal his blush as he folded them back up and put them away. Still... they were awfully cheeky. He fondled the fabric still in the drawer. "So... you have me all dressed up, are you going to take me out, Harry?" he asked, not looking at him, but still staring thoughtfully at the pants.

Panty lines? Draco was worried about panty lines? Well, it was more… not-naughty than what Harry was worried about. He licked his lips and nodded at him, not wanting to push the envelope about it. "Do you want to go out?" he asked, watching Draco stare at the panties. He probably shouldn't have bought them. It wasn't like he could take them back now. Draco had already seen them. That sounded a lot like a date, and normally someone asking him out would have offended Harry, but now he was wondering where they could go. He stood up and went over behind him, resting his chin on his shoulder. "Hungry?"

Draco leaned back against Harry and wrapped his arms around him awkwardly like that. Deciding it was terribly uncomfortable; he wiggled around till he was facing them. "A little. I want to show off my new..." he paused. He was dead. Dead people didn't have dinner. Those briefs were giving him ideas, too. Especially given Harry's proximity. No, he needed to focus on dinner. "I'd probably have to wear that awful cloak," he pouted. "We don't want to give away that I'm alive until we're sure all of the places I know of have been explored." He decided now wasn't the time to reveal he owed a life debt to Snape. He was still trying to figure out a way around it. He'd have to save his life once, then he was fair game again. Until then, it was best that he was presumed dead.

Harry planned on killing Snape, had been planning on it for a very long time. He frowned that Draco couldn't go out and show off his clothes. He had an idea. It was a bit of a stretch, though, and he didn't see why they wouldn't be spotted. "We could go somewhere Muggle? Do you think anyone would notice you in a Muggle setting?" Dressed as a wizard? Of course they would. Harry adverted his eyes as if apologizing. Harry rubbed his hands up and down his arms. "Oh well, hm? You'll be able to eventually." By then he would be used to his clothes. Since they were just starting on all Draco's locations. "Aw, you don't like looking like Macmillan?" he teased, reaching down to entwine their fingers.

"Do you like me looking like Macmillan, Harry?" he asked, breathing his name again and smiling. He sat up on the dresser and grinned at him, squeezing his hand. He very much wanted to go to dinner with Harry, like a real date. He had never been on a real date. Madam Puddifoot's with Pansy was about it. "I think that it's hard for people not to notice me," he teased as he slid his fingers along Harry's jaw line. He smiled softly at him and looked over his handsome face and sighed. "I guess we could order in and just... put some candles out and..." he blushed at how much he was pushing for this date. But it sounded like Harry wanted it, too. "What color did you like best?" Do you think I'm pretty?

"No, I like you to look just the way you are," answered Harry, kissing the corner of Draco's smile. "It's very hard for you not to be noticed." I want to keep you here for myself, anyway. He wrapped his arms around his waist and stepped closer so his front was pressed against the dresser and he was between his legs. It felt so natural to just invade his personal space. "There is a French place right around the corner. I think I have some candles. Somewhere." He nuzzled his face sweetly, rubbing their noses together. A date. Well, the best they could do at the moment, anyway. He pulled back a little to look at him. "Hm," he said thoughtfully, tilting his head to the side. "I really liked the blue. I don't know. The red was very… catching. It made you look ethereal."

Instinctively, Draco wrapped his legs around Harry's waist and pulled him in. "Mmm, I love French," he whispered cupping his face and softly stroking his cheeks. He grinned at the idea of candles and French food and being alone with Harry. He was just about to try and steal a real kiss from him when Harry pulled back. He bit his lip and blushed at the compliments. "So did you like the blue or the red better? Which one made me look ethereal? Did you like it? Do you want to see me wearing something else?" he asked, his eyes darted down to the dresser but came back up quickly and he blushed faintly. "We could get some wine since... we skipped the pub."

"The red made you look ethereal. The blue made you look…" he grinned crookedly. "Nice." He blushed and looked away when Draco asked if he wanted to see him wearing something else. He had made it clear what he wanted to see Draco in. At least in his opinion he had. To his surprise, Harry hadn't even thought about having a drink today, but now that it was mentioned… it didn't sound like a bad idea. "Food, wine, and my ethereal partner. Shouldn't be a boring night," he teased, poking him in the side playfully. "I think I have a bottle of red wine?" he said uncertainly, padding out into the kitchen to check.

Draco grinned widely and let him go and quickly yanked his clothing off and pulled on the briefs as well as the red outfit. He looked around wildly again, not seeing anything particularly out of place and then checked his hair. Then he brushed his teeth and then tried to look casual as he strolled out of the room to see where Harry was with the wine. He leaned against the table and then took a seat, pulling his wand to transfigure and light a few candles around the room and then dimming the artificial lights.

Harry suddenly felt underdressed in his disarray work clothes. He smiled at him, looking at his red outfit. You're beautiful. He put the goblets on the table and set the wine down. Luckily, he'd gotten to order while Draco was changing. He cupped the side of his face and stared down at him intensely for several long minutes, not saying anything at all. His thumb brushed over his cheek. The doorbell rang and snapped him out of his daze and he went crestfallen for a moment before kissing his forehead. He shrugged out of his jacket and then threw it onto the armchair as he passed. As always, he tipped the flirtation delivery boy (he was only flirtatious because Harry tipped so well) and went back over to the table. "I ordered something I thought you'd like?" he said in a much softer voice. What a date. Take-out with plastic utensils. It still just felt right.

Draco smiled and transfigured the plastic to fairly elegant flatware and the containers into plates. He opened the wine bottle as Harry had answered the door and transfigured the glasses into crystal goblets and poured wine for each of them. He was so thrilled when Harry had looked at him that way. His chest had tightened and swelled and he thought they might kiss... but then he was gone. Now he was sitting across from him, and Draco gazed at him intently as he raised his glass for a toast. "To my hero," he whispered playfully as he clinked their glasses together. He sipped the wine and grinned at the salmon Harry had ordered for him. "It's perfect."

Harry smiled and looked as though he was embarrassed. He wasn't. He licked his lips and teased, "I'm your hero after I buy clothes. I'll have to think of something better to buy next time." Which he'd almost decided on. New bed linens. And Malkins said that Draco liked accessories. So, bedroom accessories? It wouldn't be long before Draco's room was nicer than Harry's. Not that he cared. He started to poke at his fish and eat at it. "Is it? I… was kind of worried you wouldn't like fish." He extended his leg and nudged Draco's under the table, as if trying to play footsy. "It is perfect, isn't it?" he said out of the blue. Obviously talking about something different than Draco was. He meant that Draco was there, living with him. In a strangely romantic way. When he'd finished eating, he put his elbows on the table and started sipping his wine. He leaned forward. "I think you like me, Malfoy."

"Oh salmon is my favourite, actually. I thought maybe you remembered that from school or something. Not that I guess I made a big deal of it," he said, flaking off the fish and grinning as Harry went for his feet. He stretched his out and wrapped both feet around Harry's ankle and grinned coyly at him. He took a few more sips of his wine and when Harry finished, Draco set his fork down and reached out across the table to take his hand. He interlaced their fingers and squeezed his hand. "I think you might be right about that, Potter," he whispered tracing his thumb over his hand as much as he could reach.

Harry smiled down at their interlaced fingers and watched Draco's pale thumb smear over his hand caringly. His eyes flickered up to those grey ones and he pulled on his hand, bring it almost to his mouth. It made Malfoy stand up and hunch over the table. Harry gently brushed his lips over his knuckles, unable to break eye contact, and stood up slowly. "Am I right?" he asked quietly as he leaned toward him. His eyes moved down, watching Draco's lips part to answer. He nuzzled his face again, rubbing their noses together sweetly. I want to kiss you. And he did, very badly. He leaned forward just a little bit more, and there in the soft candlelight and the quiet kitchen, he kissed him. So gently it was if he thought Draco could break at any moment.

"Yes," Draco whispered against his lips as he scooted around the table to wrap his arms around Harry in the flickering candlelight. He was a couple of glasses of wine in and everything felt sort of muted and fuzzy. He was happy, loving the slightly awkward kisses and the taste of wine on Harry's tongue. He didn't even complain about how the wine and the fish didn't go together. It didn't matter. Not here, not right now. Part of him fretted for his rooming situation and what might happen at work, but the larger part of him didn't care as he tasted the warm bitterness of the cheap wine on his lips that suddenly tasted rather sweet as he tangled his fingers through the coarse hair.

Harry whimpered into Draco's mouth when he felt him start to respond. He tilted his head more into Draco's hands, loving how his fingers felt sliding through it. This probably wasn't the smartest thing to do, but Harry really wanted to kiss him, to keep tasting the distinct tastes. His fingers curled in the sides of Draco's new shirt and he pulled him closer, pressing their stomachs together as he plundered his mouth with his tongue. Needing air, he panting against his lips, pressing their foreheads together and keeping his eyes firmly shut. His hands didn't drop from Draco's sides, and he started to rub his fingers into the skin there. He felt a little warm and fuzzy, too. "Tell me again," he whispered as his fingers crept under his shirt hesitantly to explore the soft skin.

Arching into the touches on his sides, Draco whispered. "I like you, Mr Potter." He grilled a little and blushed at how silly and awkward it sounded, but it was what Harry wanted to hear. His head fell back so that Harry could ravish his pale neck. Between the wine and the soft touches, touches he hadn't felt in... he didn't know how long, he was rather lost. He slid his hands down Harry's back and slowly pulled his shirt up, tentatively pressing his soft hands over the broad shoulders. "Do you like me, Harry?" he whispered, nudging his head down so that he could kiss down his forehead, down his nose and then to his lips. "Do you like me at all?"

Harry's lips trailed over his neck and he inhaled against the sensitive skin, taking his scent into his lungs. He slid his calloused hands up Draco's smooth back. "What would happen if I said yes?" he asked against his lips, kneading them together between certain words. Because I do. He closed his eyes, completely content with this whole new level of intimacy that they were sharing. His tongue snaked out and he traced Draco's bottom lip with it, not wanting this to end. Part of him was afraid. Afraid of a lot of things. "I like you," he answered, nodding and making their cheeks rub together. "I can't help it."

"I kind of got that feeling when you bought me those clothes," he whispered, smiling at him. He gazed into his eyes again and then with a soft whimper, turned his head and kissed him again, more passionately this time, twisting his fingers in the dark hair as his hand slid up through the neck hole to touch it. His other arm slid over his back and he pressed his body tighter against Harry's. He shivered at how close they were now, how warm this was, the soft feeling of touching in the warm and fuzzy glow of the candles. But he was afraid, too. Afraid of how far this would go and... where it was leading. He stopped kissing him and just held him for a moment, sighing as he pulled his hips back so as not to rut against him.

Harry's breathing was labored and his cheeks were rosy when Draco pulled back from him. He looked at him for a few seconds and then reached out for Draco's hand. Again, he laced their fingers together. "Let's go to bed," he murmured, but it didn't sound suggestive. He walked backwards towards his room, touching Draco's hair and face until he pushed the door open with his foot. "You deserved those clothes," he whispered against his cheek, grazing his mouth over the curve of his neck. He moved around him, standing behind him, and grasped the bottom of his shirt. Slowly, he pulled it over Draco's head. Normally, Harry wouldn't be so presumptuous, but the wine and the way Draco was treating him had gone to his head. He lightly traced his fingertips over the scars, noting the way they curved and shaped. He bent down and kissed the nape of Draco's neck and then started to press kisses to the scars. As if tiny, gentle kisses would heal them and make them disappear.

For a dizzying moment, Draco had forgotten about the ugly scars on his back, he'd forgotten he was an Auror and a roommate and anything other than just a very happy, and very lucky young man. But then feeling Harry's lips over his scars, he winced and looked down. It felt... heavenly. "They're ugly... I'm... sorry," he whispered, turning his head back to look at Harry's face, blue in the moonlight. He shivered as his breath caught as Harry's lips pressed along his lower back. It felt so... so divine. His breathing was now ragged and shallow. Go to bed. Was he undressing him just for bed? He reached for Harry's hands and slid them up over his chest and dragged his fingers up to his lips. He kissed each one gently. He tilted his head to the side and let his hair fall over to one shoulder as he placed Harry's hands where they were and let him do what he wanted with him.

Harry kissed his temple and then over his eyelids. "They're not ugly," he said as though that settled it. After living with a scar right on your forehead… scars didn't really influence beauty. His palms slid up and down Draco's naked chest and stomach. "I think you're beautiful." He took a step back so Draco's knees hit the bed and he fell back against it. Harry looked down at him, eyes roaming over his face before he settled in beside him. He didn't really know where this was going, but he liked where they were at in the moment. He moved the tip of his finger over his bottom lip and kissed his jaw line, completely doting on him. "You trust me," he whispered, realizing that Draco wasn't fighting him at all, only letting him do exactly what he wanted. Harry's heart turned over in his chest.

It was the first time it really occurred to Draco that he did trust Harry. Obviously he trusted him more than he'd trusted anyone in a long time. "Well, I trusted you enough to fall asleep next to you," he whispered, lying back against the bed, feeling almost odd that he wasn't panicking. He sat up on his elbows to look at Harry, tilting his head so that Harry could kiss whatever on him that he wanted. "You wouldn't hurt me," he whispered, letting his elbows fall out from under him as he reached for Harry and pulled him on top of him. Sliding his hands under his shirt, he pulled it off over his head and tossed it aside. He wrapped his arms around him and kissed along his shoulder.

"No," said Harry as he settled between Draco's legs and turned his head to the side to cuddle his head to him that way. "I wouldn't." He kissed along Draco's collarbone and then down his chest, fingers touching the skin his mouth neglected along the way. "Will you sleep next to me tonight?" he asked with an air of neediness. Harry couldn't explain it, but he trusted Draco, too. He buried his face in his stomach, feeling the warm skin against his face. His glasses dug into the skin, leaving little indentions behind. He nuzzled his belly button. Then, for the first time, his palm slid over Draco's cock, marveling inwardly at the weight of it through his trousers. "May I see you?" he asked after a moment. After a beat, he unflicked Draco's button and started on his zipper.

Draco nodded that he'd sleep with him. He'd rather hoped that Harry would ask before he was burdened with the task of asking himself. "Yes... I'll sleep with you tonight," he whispered, barely aware of how that sounded. Once it did occur to him, he opened his mouth to speak, but Harry was kissing down his torso and then his hand was sliding over his erection. His eyes fluttered closed and he breathed slowly through his mouth. His hips ground against the moving hand and he felt his face flush with embarrassment for how wanton he was being. But it felt so good to have someone else touching him. Someone he wanted to touch him. Swallowing at the question, he nodded slowly and watched Harry opening his pants to reveal the briefs he'd bought him. He raised his hips to allow Harry to pull the trousers off to show the scant lace and white fabric barely covering him.

Harry's breath hitched when he saw the briefs. He reached down to touch them, sliding his fingers over the top and then along the side. It was probably wrong of him to push them off on Draco, but… well, he looked better in them than Harry had imagined. "Do you like wearing these?" he asked huskily as he leaned in to press his face against the obvious erection hiding underneath. He slipped his hand under the side, rubbing his fingers into the patch of hair surrounding his cock, but he never actually touched it. Purposefully. He started to pull them down, but paused, looking up Draco's lithe body and at his face. Waiting for an answer about it being all right or not.

Draco looked down his body at Harry rubbing his face against his clothed prick. He nodded that he liked wearing them. Of course, he especially liked Harry rubbing him through them. His eyes fluttered shut and his head fell back as Harry's fingers slid under the fabric, teasing him. In answer to his pulling on the briefs, Draco again pressed his feet onto the bed and raised his hips so that Harry could remove them. Although he'd been naked in front of Harry while changing, this was much closer, much more intimate. He slowly opened his eyes to look down at Harry starting at his prick and over his body. Self-consciously, he started to pull his legs together as he blushed at just how... naked... he was.

"I will stop if you tell me to," breathed Harry. It would have to be a command that happened very soon, because Harry's body was slipping beyond his control. His cock was painfully trapped inside of his trousers. He didn't remove himself from between Draco's legs, but he shifted to allow Draco to pull his legs together somewhat. He leaned in and kissed over his jutting hipbones, hair tickling over his lower stomach and the head of his length. You really are beautiful. The way he was gazing at him gave away what he was thinking. He parted his lips and breathed over the hardened prick, wanting so badly to taste it. He dropped his hand and massaged his fingers into his sac, barely brushing his lips over the veiny skin.

"No... don't stop," he whispered as he got back up on his elbows again, determined to stay up, to watch Harry doing this. He slid his tongue over his right canine as he watched Harry's lips and tongue brush over his skin so near to his erection. Watching the envying gaze of the other man, he reached out to softly pet his hair, sliding it back out of the way as he caressed his scalp. "Harry," he whispered as he tried to keep his eyes open, feeling the warm breath on his skin and the worshipful way his fingers pressed him. His legs parted again and his hips pushed up, his body begging for Harry to touch him. "Ah!" he whimpered as he felt the warm, silkiness of Harry's tongue slide over his cock. "Yessss...."
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