I crave your attention, see

Feb 01, 2006 23:34

1) Yesterday I found out from Ask Yahoo:
-- Repeated knuckle-cracking does not cause arthritis
-- Swallowed gum does not remain in the stomach for seven years, or even much more than a couple days.
-- The direction water spirals when it's draining has nothing to do with being above or below the equator, but depends merely on the build of the bathtub.
-- Batteries do not last longer if you put them in the fridge. In hindsight I guess that seems kind of obvious.

2) This is an old minstrel song:
Oh Marie is tricky
Sly and sticky
Brudda you watch out for dat gal
She gwina love you like there's no tommara
But come tommara you got plenty of sorra

3) When I found out that the good people at livejournal were going to allot free accounts six pictures instead of three, I decided to crack open the huge collection of icons I've been tossing onto my harddrive haphazardly for the past few years and share the wealth. Now, I can't remember where most of these are from. I provide no guarantee that using these will not get you yelled at by one of those psycho "you stole my art" people, nor do I mean to pressure anyone to use these. Really I more thought it would be cool to provide a 100x100 sample of something that reminds me of you in particular. Also, if you are not listed here, it does not mean I don't love you; it only means I don't have any very small art on my computer that seems appropriate. Feel free to use these, not use them, use somebody else's, or just sit there picking your ear.
For skibunnyme

For meataballza:

For fnordess


For edfromhell:

For blasword

For mustbethursday


For adamousg

For sxe_is_rad

For midnytefairy

For thesounder

For ezpassgo

For nasalspray


For usesforducttape

For gypsyscot

For ricothunder

And for anyone who feels so inclined:

*If you use these icons, you may want to credit lvlwing, because otherwise she may hunt you down.
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