RP Icon Meme

May 20, 2009 14:19



First, let's list all of your active characters and their PBs.

1.] Name :: OC/Fandom :: journal id :: PB
2.] Name :: OC/Fandom :: journal id :: PB

Have some generic questions:

Who is your favorite PB and why?
Do you have a least favorite PB?
Is there anyone you don't use a PB for? Why?
Who was the hardest to pick a PB for?
Who has your favorite icons?
Who has the worst icons?
Do you decide to rp characters and then go PB hunting, or do you create characters based off a desire to use a certain PB?
Have you ever changed a character's PB midway through playing them?
Seriously though how annoying is it to have to do that?
Do you make your own icons?
Have you ever had to Photoshop aspects of a character's look onto icons? (Hair color, scars, etc)
Do you like using popular PBs?
If you know a PB is used by other people "around town", does it make you less likely to use them, even if they're perfect?
Have you ever felt territorial or protective over a PB?
Are there any PBs you are seriously sick to death of seeing?
Is there anyone you'd love to PB but can't figure out a character for/just can't find the time to play anyone else/etc?
Do you like having misc stock/text icons for your characters?
Do you pick out PBs and icons for NPC characters?
What about pets?


And now we have some icon specific fields:

Go through all your characters. Pick out your favorite icon. List it. Explain why.

Character journal:

Character journal:



Group interaction! Sit here and wait anxiously as your friends go through your character icons and pick out THEIR favorites and then link them and then ask you questions about them like "What emotion do you use this for?" "What possessed you to use this completely ridiculous still?" "What the actual fuck is that text icon supposed to be?" and so forth. Once this is done, force them to do this meme so that you can return the favor.





First, let's list all of your active characters and their PBs.

1.] Name :: OC/Fandom :: journal id :: PB
2.] Name :: OC/Fandom :: journal id :: PB

Have some generic questions:

Who is your favorite PB and why?
Do you have a least favorite PB?
Is there anyone you don't use a PB for? Why?
Who was the hardest to pick a PB for?
Who has your favorite icons?
Who has the worst icons?
Do you decide to rp characters and then go PB hunting, or do you create characters based off a desire to use a certain PB?
Have you ever changed a character's PB midway through playing them?
Seriously though how annoying is it to have to do that?
Do you make your own icons?
Have you ever had to Photoshop aspects of a character's look onto icons? (Hair color, scars, etc)
Do you like using popular PBs?
If you know a PB is used by other people "around town", does it make you less likely to use them, even if they're perfect?
Have you ever felt territorial or protective over a PB?
Are there any PBs you are seriously sick to death of seeing?
Is there anyone you'd love to PB but can't figure out a character for/just can't find the time to play anyone else/etc?
Do you like having misc stock/text icons for your characters?
Do you pick out PBs and icons for NPC characters?
What about pets?


And now we have some icon specific fields:

Go through all your characters. Pick out your favorite icon. List it. Explain why.

Character journal:

Character journal:



Group interaction! Sit here and wait anxiously as your friends go through your character icons and pick out THEIR favorites and then link them and then ask you questions about them like "What emotion do you use this for?" "What possessed you to use this completely ridiculous still?" "What the actual fuck is that text icon supposed to be?" and so forth. Once this is done, force them to do this meme so that you can return the favor.

{{ http://arpeemeem.livejournal.com/1164.html">Get the HTML here so you can do it yourself. }}

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