Jan 24, 2009 13:56
Why do things always have to come back down to religion? WHY is it that you can be doing great in every aspect of your life but because you dont go to some church all your success are dismissed? Religion starts wars, tears people apart, forms lines that shouldnt be crossed and turns people into self righteous, annoying, little monsters with fingers that always point away.
I hate that I live in a Mormon state. And because I once believed I am one that has "fallen away" and can be brought back to "the fold". Because I dont believe anymore I am said to not truly be happy with my life and that I am not living to my utmost potential.
I believe in A God. I believe in being a good person. I believe that everyone has the right to believe what they want even if at the end of our days it is wrong or right. I honestly dont care what others believe as long as they are happy and arent trying to bring me down.
QUIT POINTING YOUR FINGERS AT ME! AND QUIT TRYING TO GET ME INTO YOUR CHURCHES! If I want to go Ill go. If I believe Ill believe. Other than that please just shut up about it.
PS I am sorry if this offends you but I have been offended a lot lately concerning religion. Thus the rant.