Jun 08, 2005 22:23
1...pierce your nose or tongue? Nose
2...be serious or be funny? Funny
3. Drink whole or skimmed milk? Skim
4. Single or taken? Single
5...be simple or complicated? Complicated
6...grey or gray? Grey
7...color or black-and-white photos? black and white
8...sunrise or sunset? Sunset
9...m&ms or skittles? Skittles
10...rap or rock? Rock
11...staying up late or waking up early? Waking Up Early
12...calling it pop or soda? Soda
13...using x's or o's in tic-tac-toe? Os
14...water or pop? Water
15. do you have a crush? No
16. Who is it? Nope
17. Being hot or cold? Cold
18. Tall or short? Short
19. Sun or moon? Moon
20. Left or right? Right
21. Acquaintances or best friend? Best Friend
22...sun or rain? Sun
23...green beans or carrots? Green Beans
24...low fat or fatfree? Low Fat
25...what is your biggest fear in the world? Being Alone
26...kids or no kids? No Kids
27...cat or dog? Dog
28...mustard or ketchup? Ketchup
29...sandals or sneakers? Sneakers
30...wonder or amazement? Amazement
31...red car or white car? Red Car
32...happy and poor or sad and rich? Happy and Poor!
33...singing or dancing? Dancing
34...hugging or kissing? Kissing
35...purple or green? Green
36...blondes, brunetes, or red heads? Brunettes
37...full name? Sarah Faith
38...parent(s) names? Elisabeth and Jonathan
39...had the drink calypso breeze? No
40...have you ever been in love? Yes
41...been toilet-papering? No
42...loved somebody so much it made you cry? Yes
43..what kind of job do you want? writing for a magazine
44...who makes you laugh the most? Life
45...who knows the most about you? Steve
46...croutons or bacon bits? Croutons
47...2 doors or 4 (on a car)? 4
48...a bird? Lynyrd Skynyrd
49...rock? I know, it's only rock n roll, but I like it
50...orange? Lisa
51...crying? sadness
52...peanut butter? yum
53...spring? 62 and sunny
54...summer? sweaty ew
55...non-alcoholic drink? Cranberry Juice
56...country song? Dixie Chicks, goodbye earl
57...friend that lives the farthest away? Dor
58...first friend? Margot
59...first bad break-up? Never
60...what time is it now? 10:29 pm
61...Tomatos, veggie or fruit? Veggies
62...Waffles or pancakes? Pancakes