Now you know why through all the BS and fuck-fuck games I still love the Marine Corps. I love the fact that the Marine I get along least with here has my back 200% more than the best of my friends at home. I love the fact that I will always have a story to top that of any civilian. And Capt. Duffy was right, you will see and do things that your friends can't even dream of. How many women your age get to climb the rigging of tall ships? And how many men my age have been 100 meters from a platoon of Communist soldiers trained to kill them? It may have killed our relationship, but these years that we'll spend in the military are the best of our lives. And to finish off with a moto quote: "I could be working with my brother doing steel framing. I could have my own truck, my own house, sleep with my wife every night, fuck her maybe. You know why I don't do it? Because I Love This Job. I thank God for every day he gives me in the Corps. Oorah." -SSgt Sykes "Jarhead"
Oh, and Bravo is ALWAYS the best company, ANYWHERE. Bravo Company, 1st Recruit Training Battalion, seeee-YUT!
Oh, and Bravo is ALWAYS the best company, ANYWHERE. Bravo Company, 1st Recruit Training Battalion, seeee-YUT!
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