Nov 18, 2002 23:53
This is a convo between the psycho girl who broke my heart and me yesterday. I'm just posting it because it's so ridiculous.
Her: if the comment dana heard at dinner was about me, then consider the fact that i actually said hi before you said anything and if you have a problem with me talk to me about it. if not then sorry for taking it the wrong way.
Me: What comment?
Auto response from Her: i don't understand people
the blank better be me.........jk (well, kind of jk)
Her: the face then if not a comment
Me: I'm seriously confused, I don't know what you're talking about
Me: did I make a face?
Her: whatever
Her: see you around
Me: no seriously, I wanna know what's up
Auto response from Her: i don't understand people
Me: aaahhh! I don't get you! what happened?
Auto response from Her: i don't understand people
Me: alright, you don't want to talk now, that's fine. But there are clearly still issues between us that we barely even acknowledge each other anymore and I'd like to discuss it at some point. Maybe it's because we're shy or maybe it's because you're uncomfortable around me knowing how I feel or whatever. But if you have anything to say to me come and talk to me sometime. I'm going to study in the commons room.
Auto response from Her: i don't understand people
Her: I don't feel like we need to chat, theres not enough to say,we've obviously moved on as far as our friends, you're always with scott, tom, lauren etc and i just dont get on so well with you guys anymore, im pretty much either with dana, the team or a fair bit of time with jason and charles, or trying not to fail my classes.I dont feel weird around you specifically but when u guys are all in agroup its a bit intimidating.i dont see why i would feel wierd as there is clearly nothing between us now. i dont have anything else to say but if you feel the need to say s'thing then come by or write back. ill see you around.
Auto response from Me: Studdying in commons
Me: So what happened in the cafeteria that got you so worked up? I see that those other kids are your friends and that you don't get along with scott, tom, lauren as well but I thought that we could at least be friends like how it was early on before all this shit went down. It just works me up that we were cool then and now when we see each other in passing we act so callous. If all it comes down to is that you didn't want be friendly with me anymore because you didn't think we could get along or you felt we had nothing in common or something just say that because I don't understand how it got this way. All I wanted to know from the beginning was what you were thinking and what caused you to act the way you have. Please don't take this as some kind of a challenge, I just want to know why things happened the way they did.
Auto response from Her: i don't understand people
Her: i just can't see us hanging out like we used to, i just think weve found people we get on better with and if i had masses of time then im sure we'd chat but i dont so i spend the time i have with the people i get on best with, make sense?
Me: Yeah, that makes sense but it sounds like you're trying to say that you simply lost interest without actually saying that. I wish you had and would just be clear about your thinking instead of speaking in general terms about who we hang out with. What I'm saying is that we were close at one point and now we're merely acquaintances and that didn't happen because we hang out with different people. And if it turns out that we weren't actually that close to begin with, I think I deserve to know that.
Her: well i knew you for a few weeks, how close could we of been
Her: and ur always with the same people
Her: you come along with them
Her: so they do effect it