❝i've always wanted to tell you❞ Okay so, I have been dumb and it's taken me this long to get into Warren Ellis'
Freak Angels. It is rather awesome and I recommend it.
Speaking of comics, I have to share this
http://atopfourthwall.blogspot.com/2010/04/athena-1.htmlLinkara, whom some of you may know does comic reviews in That Guy with the Glasses, had this recent review with some points about the issues with women characters in comics that I think some of you may appreciate. At least I know I do. Also, if you haven't seen his reviews before, I recommend them.
Random link I just think is awesome Also, awesome annoyances with the desktop like.. not turning on. Wish I could use the tablet with the netbook, doodling in bed would be awesome. Why do I have such a hard time coming up with poses. Oh, and I finally think I've fixed up the snag in my comic script. 'Bout time.