Drabble and Community Pimp

Aug 25, 2006 12:53

It's been nice to see these community advocating creativity and challanges popping up
This community basically, gives you a challange every month in both art and writing, using your characters and a theme
Basically it's all about personal challanging, so say, you sign up but don't do the assignment, no penalties.
I personally find it a great way to stretch and develop characters.

I did the writing assignement for this month
it starts off a bit cluttered but smooths out. I need to write more.

The sound of dawn echoed through the trees, an announcement for the subtle cool breeze that played against the silver surface of slowly stirring creature. A clawing reach and gaping maw presented a most fearsome display of what the beast could possibly be capable of. Though the frightening presentation faded as a final breath roused the beast to a fully alert state, turning a once threatening sight into a sight of comfort. Gentile eyes fixed on the scene of the morning, studying the somewhat chandelier-like quality of an overhanging spider-web graced by morning dew.
Fully risen, the beast moved soft and fluidly to the mouth of the cave, stepping in a way that complimented her fairer gender.
She inhaled the scent of season, feeling the cool air that nipped at the heels of the Summer. Autumn was near on it’s way, and not far behind, Winter. This was the time of year she felt the most alive, which some would think odd of a creature like her. Most associate her kind with fire breathing, volcanoes, and possibly sun basking, similar to their cold-blooded cousins. But she was vastly different from the typical label of Dragon.
Her love lay in the tranquil of Winter. Though considered to be a season of hardships, and even death, she found it best described as reflective, a state of peace, something she considered to be greatly needed with the fast paces life moves in.
Autumn too, held it’s own charms. The rustic colors were pleasant to see, and somewhat ironic, she thought, that vibrant, lively colors such as Red, Yelow, and Orange, were the colors nature chose to signal the season of quiet. And it too, had it’s lingering sense of calm, such as mornings like this. A pleasant stillness that made one desire to take a moment and enjoy the view.

Her thoughts brought back to the surface as the sound of other creatures greeting the morning sun distracted her attention. Her tail swayed a moment, barely hovering over flattened grass, then remained still as her thoughts began to re-focus on the pleasant thoughts of the days ahead.
With a smile she continued on her path to start the day, and greet the days that lay before her.

So common you guys! Join up! I'm intersted in seeing other contributions, I think it'll be a lot of fun!


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