So I havent touched a piece of art since, well... I cant even remember. Was feeling a little slack and I had nothing to do tonight so I figured hey why dont I finish one of the many sketches I started ages ago? And by ages ago I mean aaaaages ago, like 2007 ages ago...
It actually loked better before I put the black furry oh-god-what-is-it thing around his elbow area, which is a big no-no especially with crappy forshortening as I have done here. So now he kinda looks like he has stumpy arms. Could be easily fixed with some subtle shading, but I figure I should leave it as a reminder and go onto something else now that I've sort of got my groove back. I don't know what possesses me to draw men in women's clothing. Maybe I have a strange fetish or something.
The style is a bit different from my usual and by that I mean I usually draw Cloud more aneemay-ish. Left in b/w because I fail at colouring, and because it is 4am in the morning and I should be sleeping *kills self*
I should practice sketching male anatomy more often so I dont fail so much D: