Slash Fanfiction - Grey Solstice, Chapter 2

Mar 28, 2010 04:09

Title: Grey Solstice
Rating: AO (adults only) and NSFW (not safe for work) due to explicit sexual situations between two men. (M/M smut)
Total Word Count: 2765 words.
Pairing: Alistair/Zevran, established.
Spoilers: Possible end-game spoilers.
Summary: Two years, he's been living in Ferelden, and finally, one Satinalia, it occurs to him how much he's lost, how much he's changed. Zevran must learn to cope with what it means to live with the Grey Wardens.
Notes: One of my favorite chapters in the entire series so far. I love it bunches. And thank you, Tasmen, for helping me with the few things that I asked you about. You know what it was.

Satinalia: In many places, this holiday-once dedicated to the Old Goddess of chaos, Zazikel, but now attributed more to the Second Moon, Satina-is still accompanied by wild celebration. Celebrants wear masks and lose their inhibitions, and they place the town fool as ruler for a day. In Antiva (Antiva City in particular), this festival lasts for a week or more, followed by a week of fasting. In more pious areas, this holiday is now marked by large feasts and gift-giving. (Quoted from Prima Strategy Guide for Dragon Age: Origins.)

[[  Chapter 1  |  Chapter 2  ]]

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rating: m, zevran, m!slash, fanfiction, alistair, nsfw

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